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The Translational Award

We are launching a new scheme to fund projects that will bridge the gap between the research happening in the lab and getting new treatments to clinic.

Our new Translational Award will provide funding of £300,000-£400,000 to support the development of potential new diagnostics, drugs, or devices.  This award is unlike any other we offer. It is an opportunity to link strong academic work with industry standard drug development.

Key Dates

Stage 1 Outline application open: Thursday 20 June 2024

Stage 1 Outline application deadline: Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 1pm (BST)

Stage 2 full applications invited: October 2024

Stage 2 full applications close: November 2024

Funding decisions: March 2025

Purpose and scope

Funding of £300,000 – £400,000 per project over 12 – 18 months is available.

This funding is intended to cover key ex vivo/in vivo proof of concept studies with the aim of delivering focussed research within 12-18 months. Projects should have a clear pathway to patient benefit and can cover any modality for any primary brain tumour.

Projects should have strong target validation, ideally with preliminary in vivo evidence, indication of blood brain barrier penetration and a lead candidate identified. This scheme is intended to support the development of strong data packages to secure further funding for GLP toxicology and subsequent first in human studies. We intend to work with applicants to develop the optimal translation path, ensure the most suitable models are used and provide ongoing support to move projects closer to the clinic. We acknowledge that drug delivery systems and some advanced therapies, such as CAR-T, may sit outside the more traditional translational drug development route. Therefore, please contact the charity to discuss how these may fit the scheme as we are keen to drive all innovation closer to the clinic.

In addition to academic proposals, we will consider applications from biotechnology companies on a case-by-case basis. This scheme is open to international researchers as we want to fund excellence in research and drive more treatments to the clinic irrespective of geography.

  • The award is open to international researchers
  • Applications from biotechnology companies will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • A researcher may serve as principal applicant on only one proposal per grant round
  • The collaborating teams should have the relevant expertise to demonstrate how discoveries will be translated and taken forward to patient benefit
  • The whole translational journey should be considered before applying, including the route to first in human studies, starting to build the Target Product Profile and the choice of models.
  • Scientific excellence
    • Is the proposed target significantly validated?
    • Is the proposed therapeutic intervention feasible?
    • If successful, will the data package generated be sufficient to secure onward funding for GLP toxicology and subsequent FiH studies?
  • Credible onward plans for both further funding and route to FiH.
  • Evidence the team have the necessary knowledge and support (TRO-TTO-Consultants) to run a truly translational programme.
  • Is the study designed to maximise chance of definitive outcome, progress towards clinic or fail faster?

The Brain Tumour Charity is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and adheres to its principles of peer review. All applications will be considered by our Translational Advisory Board alongside lay representatives of people affected by brain tumours.

Guidance for applicants

Please read the following documents before applying for funding

TTA Outline Application guidance document 2024 – Word

Please take note of, and allow sufficient time for, the approval steps required to complete the submission process. We cannot guarantee late submissions will be accepted.

How to apply

All applications should be made through our grant management portal. 

If you need help creating or accessing your account please contact the Research Team on research@thebraintumourcharity.org

Further information

If you would like to discuss project ideas or require any additional information, please contact the Research Team.

E-mail: research@thebraintumourcharity.org