I’m Amy and I have a grade 2 Astrocytoma (read my blog). Currently, brain tumours like mine are not curable, they always come back, sometimes even nastier than before.
However, I have THE PLAN…
First of all, I need to begin by outliving the dire life expectancy averages attached to brain tumours. THEN…. Some clever clogs will come up with a cure.
Unfortunately, brain tumour research is historically been very poorly funded. This isn’t great, but does mean that a breakthrough is now overdue. Many of the other cancers had a big boost in funding, followed by some excellent advances in treatments.
Brain cancer hasn’t been so lucky regarding the funding. Give us a tenner to save my brain? The Brain Tumour Charity has agreed to put all donations to my fund towards researching adult glioma.
I need a cure before it’s too late. Thanks!