Have you been diagnosed with a brain tumour? Order your free information pack.

Working with us

As researchers in the field you are the experts working to defeat brain tumours and can inspire people to continue to give us the funds we need to support your work.

Every penny we spend on research comes from the people who have been inspired to defeat brain tumours. We need to keep raising money so that our investment in research can grow and we need everyone to see the progress we are making.

Our supporters are inspired by your work defending the most amazing part of the human body.

10 Ways we can work together

  1. Tell the story
    Everyone wants to hear from those doing the work. Become a spokesperson by offering your expert opinions in print, radio, online and on TV.
  2. Speak Up
    Our Information Days give people affected by brain tumours practical and up-to-date research information. Come and tell them about your work.
  3. Speak out
    On film or in person, we need you talking passionately for fundraising, campaigning and awareness raising events.
  4. Show it off
    Host a lab tour to show where the money goes. They are a great way to thank donors and inspire them to give or raise more.
  5. Snap it up
    A picture tells a thousand words. Send us photos of yourself in action, research images or ask our professionals in to capture what you do.
  6. Raise the volume
    Research stories are the most popular on our site, send us yours so we can raise the profile of your work. Why not join us on Facebook and Twitter, or contribute to our blog?
  7. Give the card
    Coping with a brain tumour is easier with the support and information we provide. Help us reach more people by telling those you treat about what we do. Just pass on one of our cards.
  8. Share your expertise
    Make sure our information is of a high standard by offering your expertise to review our Information Standard certified factsheets.
  9. Raise awareness
    Share the HeadSmart symptoms cards to help reduce diagnosis times for children with brain tumours.
  10. Inspire your team
    Engage your team by raising money together, run with The Brainy Bunch or pick a one off event and raise cash for our work yourself.

Our Side of the Bargain

We want to help you spread the message and raise the funds. We are able to help with:

  • Media training and guidance
  • Help with public and patient involvement by putting out your calls to our database of over 40,000 people and offering advice and patient feedback on surveys and research proposals
  • Let you know what’s coming up and provide fundraising packs for team or individual events
  • Provide materials, briefings and newsletters on our work and how to raise money
  • Provide you with referral cards, Newly Diagnosed packs and The Brainy Bag to display or distribute to patients
  • Support your patients through the Support & Info Line: 0808 800 0004
  • Thank you for helping us defeat this cruel disease.


Contact us with your own ideas, news of what you’ve been doing, photos and stories at research@thebraintumourcharity.org or call 01252 418190 for more information.