Beyond Brain Tumours
When developing our new strategy to 2030 we committed to co-creating this plan with all those who share our aims, to accelerate progress towards our vision of a world where brain tumours are defeated.
How we built our strategy
In order to create our map to the future, we broke it down into five phases.

Phase 1: Joining In
We formed a group, pooling our diverse experiences, ideas, instincts and energy, and set out on an open-hearted, creative journey to build a strategy for The Charity and make things significantly better for those impacted by brain tumours.
- Nominate groups
- Community survey
- Share initial thoughts & worries
- Design co-creation way of working
- Share progress publicly
- Initial scope & any boundaries
- Formation of the Working group and Steering group
- Identify key voices
- Commit to each other and to guiding principles
- Storyboard of co-creation journey
- Blog progress; share exec summary

Phase 2: Mapping the need
We heard from everyone, gathered everything there is to know, and began to make sense of the complexity of the operating environment around brain tumours.
- People’s needs & unmet needs
- Collate community issues and system issues
- Landscape analysis*: research, support, awareness, data
- Opportunities & trends (PEST)
- Charity capability (SWOT)
- ‘Player’ analysis *
*including looking Global
- Immersive evidence room in Fleet and Miro
- Factbase of everything that needs fixing, with emerging priorities
- Snapshot of everyone trying to make a difference & how
- Pathway through the key findings
- Blog progress; share exec summary

Phase 3: Ours To Change
We understood the biggest ways the world needs to change to eliminate the harm of brain tumours and also what we can develop the superpowers we need to tackle; we found our purpose.
- Prioritise issues on impact & influence
- Map how issues connect
- Identify drivers of change
- What success looks like
- Determine uncertainties and drivers
- Identify our potential ‘superpowers’
- Our purpose: What’s the big problem for us to solve. Our scope: How big an answer we need.
- Our impact framework and theory of change
- Measure impact baseline
- Blog progress; share exec summary

Phase 4: Getting Radical
We imagined ‘What if… it was radically different for brain tumours’ and work back to the big, transformational forces we could set in motion to realise that change.
- Tapping thought leaders
- Innovation workshops:
We ask what if…? - Reality check:
- Reset and redefine The Charity’s vision & goals as/if appropriate
- Draft the strategy outline:
eg strategic shifts, what will motivate the changes we’ve been tasked with driving, key objectives - Share the reasons people can believe in us to achieve:
eg value, readiness assessment, proof of concept, potential allies - Blog progress; share exec summary

Phase 5: Generating Momentum
We charted our strategic shifts and programme of change, and worked out how to leverage wider movement in systems and culture.
- Articulate vision & strategy
- Prioritised plans
- Define targets & milestones
- Collaboration plan
- Storytelling with community
- Gathering allies
- [1] Topline Vision and Strategy:
mission, vision, change drivers, strategic shifts & programmes, overall objectives, risks - [2] Strategy in detail:
more on strategic programmes, measures, targets, budgets, organisation - Launch strategy
- Continue to fuel our powerful network to create change