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Do you agree that children diagnosed with a brain tumour deserve better?

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Ella was diagnosed with a brain tumour when she was 4 years old

Around 500 children are diagnosed with a brain tumour each year and the impact on them and their families can be devastating.

Brain tumours claim more lives than any other childhood cancer and children are often left with irreversible, life-changing side-effects.

With your support, we can help make sure children like Ella live longer and better after their diagnosis.

“Nothing prepares you to hear that your beautiful little girl has a brain tumour. After successful treatment, she can now live her life as a normal five-year-old. Please help us raise vital funding to help give children like Ella the best chance of a brighter future.” – Claire, Ella’s Mum.

A gift of just £3 a month could help us fund the next big breakthrough as we search for a cure. Or it could help pay for a Brainy Bag and teddy bear to support a family whose child has been diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Let’s go further, act faster, and beat brain tumours sooner. If you’re ready to help push for the progress we need, add your name to join the movement.