Brain tumour biology
Learning about brain tumour biology is important because it helps us understand how these tumours start and act. The brain is our body’s most complex organ, responsible for who we are and everything we do. Find out more about the brain and brain tumours, and different types of them, including what can cause them and how they’re different from brain cancer.

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What is a brain tumour?
Find out about primary and secondary brain tumours and how common they are.
What causes brain tumours?
Generally there is nothing that you could have done to prevent a brain tumour.
The human brain
The human brain is the most complex organ in our bodies, responsible for everything we do.
Brain cells
Cells make up every organ in our body which carry out specific functions.
What is brain cancer?
Not all brain tumours are cancerous. Brain tumours graded 3 or 4 are defined as cancerous.
Different types of brain tumours
The World Health Organisation recognises over 130 types of brain tumours. Learn more about them.