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Medulloblastoma research

Medulloblastoma is the most common high-grade brain tumour in children. Based on clinical and biological characteristics medulloblastomas are divided into four sub-types: WNT, SHH, Group 3 and Group 4.

The four sub-types are linked to very different outcomes and need different levels of treatment. The research we fund into medulloblastoma aims to understand more about the causes of the disease, as well as developing kinder and more effective treatments.

Current research projects

Here are the research projects we are currently funding that relate to understanding or treating medulloblastoma

Current child brain tumour research projects

Here are some other research projects we are currently funding that relate to understanding or treating childhood brain tumours, including medulloblastoma.

Past research projects:

PNET5 clinical trial: transforming treatments for childhood brain tumours (molecular testing)

The PROMOTE study: Patient Reported Outcome Measures Online To Enhance Communication and Quality of Life after childhood brain tumour

Investigating tumour initiating events

Preventing resistance to targeted therapies

Medulloblastoma – new models may be key to new treatments