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Together, we can transform the future for families like Ella’s, bringing new hope and giving them more time with their loved ones.

It’s bright minds versus brain tumours and we need your support!
When it comes to taking on brain tumours, there’s no time to lose!
Brain tumours reduce life expectancy by over 27 years on average – the highest of any cancer – and are still the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40. Breakthroughs in research are desperately needed and with your support we can continue funding the bright minds who are driving progress towards a cure.
Please give £10 today to help us continue to fund the brightest minds in research, moving us closer to a world where brain tumours are defeated!
By choosing to make a donation, you’re joining the bright minds who are tackling brain tumours and making it possible for us to invest in research projects that bring us closer to ground breaking new treatments and better quality of life for everyone diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Nothing prepares you to hear that your little girl has a brain tumour. After successful treatment, she can now live her life as a normal five-year-old. Please help us raise vital funding to help give children like Ella the best chance of a brighter future
Claire – Ella’s Mum
Donate now!
Together, we can transform the future for families like Ella’s, bringing new hope and giving them more time with their loved ones.