Expanding Theories Awards
These projects should build on initial proof of concept work so it can be developed into larger projects.
Key Dates:
Expanding Theories 2025
Call for application opens: 22 January 2025
Call for application closes: 12 March 2025, 1pm BST
Funding decisions: October 2025
Expanding Theories 2024/2
Call for application opens: 3 July 2024
Call for application closes: , 11 September, 1pm BST
Funding decisions: April 2025
Purpose and scope
Funding of up to £75,000 per year, for up to 2 years can be requested.
This scheme supports pilot studies that explore and develop novel concepts that may eventually lead to significant improvements in clinical outcomes, including quality of life, for people with brain tumours.
We also welcome proposals that explore innovative approaches that could fundamentally change our understanding, diagnosis, and/or management of brain tumours.
This scheme aims to allow the generation of sufficient data to support applications for larger scale projects to national/international funding organisations. Please note clinical trials will not be supported by this funding scheme.
Public and patient involvement
To obtain input from those affected by brain tumours, we strongly recommend that applicants access our Involvement Network (IN) for public and patient involvement. In order to receive feedback from the IN, please allow for a minimum of 3 weeks turnaround time.
- All grant applications must focus on at least one of the research priorities highlighted in our research strategy ‘Accelerating a Cure’
- This award is open to international researchers, but applications including a UK collaborator will be looked on favourably
- The Lead Applicant must be an academic or clinical researcher based at a hospital or university; we support company involvement as a co-applicant or a collaborator.
- The Lead Applicant must either hold an employment contract beyond the period of the grant or provide a letter of support from the Host Institution committing to support the project for its duration.
- We welcome applications from early career researchers for this scheme. Early career researchers are defined as having completed their PhD within the last 8 years, and this excludes any career breaks such as those taken for family, health or due to caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that this does not exclude more senior researchers from applying to this award.
- Clear explanation of how this could lead to benefits to those affected by brain tumours
- All applications must have input from those affected by brain tumours as early as possible, preferably during scoping of the project
Proposals should address a key, unresolved area in brain tumour research that could lead to a shift in the concepts or methods that drive the field:
- Novelty of approach
The project should be exploratory in nature and employ novel concepts, approaches or methods with innovative aims - Feasibility of project
The scientific rationale must logically support the proposed study and the methodology must be well described and appropriate for the planned research. The proposal must also expect meaningful results to support or reject the original hypothesis within the two year time frame - Potential for patient benefit and impact on the field
The project must challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies or technologies and have the potential for further investigation. The potential patient benefit from this research should be clearly articulated with a potential pathway and the anticipated impact of this work described. - Value for money
The proposal should demonstrate how the requested funds are essential for the work and explain how the project represents value for money.
- Novelty of approach
The Brain Tumour Charity is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and adheres to its principles of peer review. All applications will be considered by our Biomedical Scientific Advisory Board (Biomedical SAB) alongside lay representatives of people affected by brain tumours.
Please read the following documents before applying for funding
Guidance document (Updated 2024) – PDF
Please take note of, and allow sufficient time for, the approval steps required to complete the submission process. We cannot guarantee late submissions will be accepted.
Further essential reading
There are other documents you must read before applying to our grant rounds. These include, but are not limited to Grant Conditions and Finance Guidelines. These documents can be found by following the link below.
How to apply
All applications should be made through our grant management portal.
If you need help creating or accessing your account please contact the Research Team on research@thebraintumourcharity.org
Further information
If you would like to discuss project ideas or require any additional information, please contact the Research Team.
Success rates:
Rolling success rate from application to funding for the previous 3 rounds: 12%
E-mail: research@thebraintumourcharity.org
Phone: +44 (0) 1252 418190