Have you been diagnosed with a brain tumour? Order your free information pack.

Campaigning for change

We work closely with our community to identify the issues that affect you most. Whether that’s by asking for better access to clinical trials, a clear and simpler benefits system or accurate and early diagnosis, our campaigning activities reflect the changes you need.

Policymakers discuss key decisions every day that can have an impact on our community, including those living with a brain tumour, their families and their carers. That means that politics plays a big part in what we do. We influence policymakers at every level, whether that’s accelerating patient’s access to new drugs or lobbying for more investment for research into brain tumours.

We’ve made a handy toolkit to help you campaign with us ahead of the General Election.

In this toolkit you’ll find useful tips and questions, templates for letters and social media posts, and even a poster to print out and put in your window!

What we’re campaigning for

We campaigning on a range of issues that affect people with a brain tumour.

Campaign with us

Support our campaigns, become a campaigner and get involved in our policy work.

Policy and campaigns news

The latest updates from our Policy team.

Policy library

Our most up to date policy documents including parliamentary briefings, reports, consultation submissions and more.

Want to make a difference for those affected by brain tumours?

Join our group of passionate campaigners if you want to be part of our movement and help us create meaningful, lasting change!