Improving brain tumour diagnosis is a No Brainer!
We explain why a National Brain Tumour Strategy is needed to ensure people have a faster diagnosis, opening more options for support, treatment and research.
A faster diagnosis can be vital for people affected by a brain tumour. It can:
- open up more options for patients and their families to receive wraparound support
- widen the scope of research participation options
- enable faster access to treatment and care reducing the severity of symptoms and side-effects caused by the tumour
- help patients better withstand harsh treatments
- reduce the need for emergency, higher risk surgery.
Unfortunately, many people diagnosed with a brain tumour go through a lengthy and unsupported diagnosis experience. Lots of people in the brain tumour community visit their GP multiple times before being sent for a referral and are often misdiagnosed.
In fact, 41% of respondents to our Improving Brain Timour Care survey say they visited their GP three or more times before receiving a diagnosis.

Matthew experienced two months of worrying symptoms – including seizures – and multiple trips to his GP and A&E before he finally received his diagnosis. His symptoms were written off by many of the healthcare professionals he interacted with and was misdiagnosed with anxiety.
We believe that giving people like Matthew a faster, more efficient diagnosis is a No Brainer! If you agree, sign our open letter calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy today.
The problem with existing cancer strategies
Unfortunately, many exiting NHS and Government cancer programmes focus on three key areas that don’t work well or aren’t applicable for the brain tumour community:
- early diagnosis based on cancer staging
- cancer screening
- cancer prevention.
Additionally, current strategies to tackle cancer aren’t inclusive of people diagnosed with low grade, non-cancerous brain tumours.
You can find out more about why these don’t work well the brain tumour community in this blog post.
To ensure an effective, fast diagnosis for people with a suspected brain tumour, we believe that a National Brain Tumour Strategy is necessary. This strategy should be developed alongside the brain tumour community addressing the unique challenges face by people living with low and high grade tumours.
Add your name to our open letter today!
Giving more people a faster, more efficient diagnosis and potentially preventing life-long harm is a No Brainer! If you agree, sign our open letter calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy today

What else do we want to see in a National Brain Tumour Strategy?

Increased pioneering research into brain tumours
We need more money, more staff, more capacity and more incentives to attract diverse funders. Together we can make research breakthroughs a reality.