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Charity Cheer Packs

Our FREE Charity Cheer Pack is an essential item for our supporters. With this pack, you can cheer on your friends and family in style while ensuring they hear you from miles around.

Each Charity Cheer Pack contains:

A picture of The Brain Tumour Charity cheer pack, including a banner, flags, and clapper sticks
  • Eco Bang Bang Sticks: These inflatable sticks are perfect for creating noise and excitement during events. Just give them a good whack together, and they’ll make a cheerful sound! You can choose to reuse or they can be composted!

  • Charity Hand Flags: Show your support with these hand flags featuring The Brain Tumour Charity branding and a space to write your own personal good luck message. Wave them proudly to rally behind your team. These flags can also be recycled!

  • Whistle: Make some noise! The whistle adds an extra layer of enthusiasm to your cheering efforts. Blow it loud and clear to encourage your loved ones.

  • Reusable Banner: The charity-branded banner allows you to help “paint the town red” in support of The Brain Tumour Charity. Hang it up, display it proudly, and let everyone know about this important cause.