How to donate
Whether you would like to make a donation, set up a regular donation or pay in money you’ve raised through an event or sponsorship, all the information you need is below.
Online donations, regular giving and paying in
You can make a secure one-off donation using a card or PayPal, set up a regular donation with a card or via Direct Debit* or pay in your fundraising using our online form.
*Please note: It takes 12 working days for us to set up a Direct Debit and our collection days are the 1 st and 15th of the month.
By phone
Please call our fundraising team on 01252 749043 to make a donation or payment over the phone using a debit or credit card.
By cheque
Simply send us a cheque made payable to The Brain Tumour Charity to:
Fleet 27,
Rye Close,
GU51 2UH
By bank transfer
You can transfer your donation directly into our bank account
Please contact our Supporter Services team on 01252 237792 or email and they will be able to provide you with our bank account details.
Gift Aid
Every gift you make to The Brain Tumour Charity, whatever its value, could be worth more just by choosing to Gift Aid it. If you are a UK taxpayer you can almost certainly Gift Aid your donation, which makes your donation worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you.
There are 2 ways to complete a Gift Aid Declaration to let us know you’re eligible:
- Complete our online form by clicking here or
- Download a Gift Aid Certificate below, complete it and post it to us at the address above.
Gift Aid certificate – docx
If you are a UK Tax Payer, please use this form to let us know so we can claim Gift Aid tax relief of 25p on every pound you give at no extra cost to you.
Gift Aid certificate for multiple donations – docx
If you have held an event and asked people for voluntary donations, or they have given a donation on top of an event ticket/entry price, you can use this form to collect their details so we can Gift Aid their donation.
Data protection statement
When you submit this form, you agree to us recording your details on our secure database, so we can provide you with the best possible service every time you contact us and allow us to keep you up-to-date on our work. Your details will be kept securely and only shared with trusted suppliers who enable us to deliver our work, for example, distribution of our newsletter. For further information, you can read our full privacy policy and data protection statement. We never sell or swap your details with any third parties, including charities. If at any stage you do not want to hear from us, you can email, call us on 01252 749990 or write to us at the address above.
Thank you for your support!
In this section

Received a visit from a door-to-door fundraiser?
Find out more about our door-to-door fundraising and our partner, Family First Professionals.

Received a fundraising call from us?
Find out more about why we call you and our telephone fundraising partner, Ethicall.
Recommended reading

Every person who remembers us in their Will joins a powerful body of previous givers, whose number keeps on growing. Together, we are an unstoppable force.