Have you been diagnosed with a brain tumour? Order your free information pack.

Why partner with us?

When you choose us as your next charity partner, you’ll bring lasting benefits to your company whilst raising funds to help thousands affected by brain tumours.

…the engagement is second to none. It is truly inspiring seeing what our full Wickes team achieves and the buzz around key event dates is mind-blowing!


What are the benefits of partnering with us ?

We offer exciting and mutually beneficial partnerships with unrivalled opportunity to make a difference. Here are just some of the reasons why becoming our corporate partner is a no-brainer!

Team members of The Brain Tumour Charity standing with their award at the JustGiving Awards
Make an impact!

Your organisation will be helping thousands of people affected by a brain tumour diagnosis: that’s friends, family and work colleagues. You’ll have a lasting impact on research, support and awareness and leave a business legacy to be proud of.

A man gives a speech with audience members watching from a stand behind him
Grow employee health and wellbeing

Our partnerships connect people. They bring teams together, boosting wellbeing. And we’ll provide essential “Lunch & Learn” health awareness for the health of your workforce and the wider population.

The Brain Tumour Charity at a marathon cheer point in London. Partner with us for support for your business.
Develop morale, motivation and team building

We provide multiple opportunities to grow and connect teams, unifying your organisation.

Poster for Underbelly's third Big Brain Tumour Benefit for the Brain Tumour Charity. Partner with us for increased PR reach through events like this.
Positive PR and increased reach

Raise your profile and build your presence across all types of media by leveraging on the Brain Tumour Charity’s extensive digital presence.

Volunteers for The Brain Tumour Charity at a bake sale. Partner with us to grow brand integrity for your business.
Grow brand integrity, perception and value

The integrity and credibility of your brand soars when you align with our values and cause. Improved brand integrity will help your business thrive.

A volunteer for The Brain Tumour Charity stands next to a poster in Wickes while holding a donation bucket. Partner with us to boost your business through events like this.
Boost business!

Customers and staff will notice too; boosting sales, market share and brand value.

Climbers for The Brain Tumour Charity stand on a hilltop near Machu Picchu
Meet CSR objectives

We provide social impact data to map alongside improvements in talent attraction, staff retention and employee wellbeing.

A man stands in front of a podium with a screen behind him as he gives a presentation for The Brain Tumour Charity. Partner with us to create a lasting legacy for your brand.
Lasting legacy

Our partnerships build a lasting legacy to be proud of. From recognition to something more tangible, talk to us to find out more.

A woman skydiving in tandem with an instructor. Partner with us for opportunities to try new things like this.
Opportunities to try something new

Staff at The Brain Tumour Charity include Doctors, PHD Graduates, consultants and leaders in business. We provide opportunities for your staff to try new skills and learn through volunteering.

Contact us – together we can make a difference

If your workplace wants to get involved, we would love to hear from you. If you have any questions please contact corporate@thebraintumourcharity.org or call 01252 749043.

Privacy notice

We will use the details you provide to get in touch about working together. Your details are held on our secure database and we promise never to share them with any other organisation for their marketing purposes. You can find out more in our privacy policy.