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London to Paris Cycle 2025

Take on the London to Paris cycle and pick up the pace for a cure for brain tumours.

Cycling from London to Paris is one of the great cycle experiences in Europe. Passing through picturesque Kent countryside, you cross the Channel and continue through small villages and medieval market towns of Northern France. With long days in the saddle, and some strenuous hills, the sight of the Eiffel Tower will evoke a real sense of achievement,

If you are looking for a great adventure and challenge, look no further! Four days cycling London to Paris, through beautiful countryside, a manic, but amazingly cycle friendly Paris.

Trip Itinerary

Day 1: London – Dover – Dunkirk

An early start means you miss the worst of the morning traffic as you pass through the outskirts of London onto quieter roads. It’s not long before you are among rolling fields and villages or rural Kent. Following country roads across the hills of the North Downs to Dover and the coast. Taking the ferry to Dunkirk, you have dinner on board and cycle the short distance to your hotel.

(Dinner on ferry not included)

Cycle approx. 136km (85 miles)

Day 2: Dunkirk – Cambrai

You then head south from Dunkirk, riding roughly parallel to the Belgian border. A long day in the saddle lies ahead, but the terrain is fairly flat as you pass through small villages and farmland. A few hills mid-way through the morning will stretch your legs a little! The afternoon ride is predominately flat as you ride southeast, through a few hills before reaching Cambrai, a town which dates back to Roman times.

Cycle approx. 161km (100 miles)

Day 3: Cambrai – Soissons

Today is shorter but almost continually hilly, as you cross beautiful rolling landscapes, where fields of crops stretch for miles. You have a great view of the River Somme, which you cross before your first water-stop. The last section of your route runs through an area involved in the WW1 Battles of Aisne, with more cemeteries and memorials to the fallen. With roughly ten miles to go, the road climbs steeply out of the pretty village of Vauxaillon, winding through woodland and into open fields with wonderful views. A rewarding descent brings you to Soissons, an ancient town which lies on the River Aisne.

Cycle approx. 114km (70 miles)

Day 4: Soissons – Paris

Your final day’s cycling takes you southwest, on yet more undulating roads through small villages and farmland. There are some short sharp climbs in the morning, before you reach busier roads. As you cycle through the Parisian streets you’ll spot some distinctive landmarks! You then sweep around the Arc de Triomphe and down the famed Champs-Elysees to your finish beneath the Eiffel Tower. You’ll head to the hotel and get ready for a final meal together as a group to mark your achievement.

Cycle approx. 128km (80 miles)

Day 5: Paris – London

After breakfast you are free to explore the city; why not go up the Eiffel Tower or visit the Louvre! You are responsible for getting yourself and your bags to the Gare du Nord on time for your afternoon Eurostar train back to St Pancras, where you will be reunited with your bike.

(Lunch & Dinner not included)

What’s Included

  • All transport from London to Paris return (by ferry and Eurostar)
  • All meals except where specified
  • 4 nights hotel accommodation on a twin share basis
  • Discover Adventure crew (dependent on group size)
  • Vehicle support throughout trip
  • Route information

What’s Excluded

  • Any meals specified as ‘not included’ in the itinerary
  • Travel insurance
  • Bicycle, cycle helmet (compulsory) and water bottles
  • Personal spending money, souvenirs and drinks
  • Fees for any optional sites, attractions or activities
  • Any applicable surcharges as per Terms and Conditions
  • Optional Discover Adventure bike courier return service

Payment Options

Registration fee: £149. The registration fee of £149 is payable directly to the event organisers Discover Adventure.

Fundraising option: £1,950. To guarantee your place on this challenge, we ask that you have raised £1,560 (80%) 10 weeks before departure and the final £390 (20%) within 2 weeks of your return.

Registration fee: £149. The registration fee of £149 is payable directly to the event organisers Discover Adventure.

Remaining cost of trip: £250 paid approximately 8 weeks before your challenge to the event organisers Discover Adventure.

Fundraising option: £1,450. To guarantee your place on this challenge, we ask that you have raised £1,160 (80%) 10 weeks before departure and the final £290 (20%) within 2 weeks of your return.

Registration fee: £149. The registration fee of £149 is payable directly to the event organisers Discover Adventure.

Remaining cost of trip:
£975 paid approximately 8 weeks before your challenge to the event organisers Discover Adventure.

Fundraising option: Raise as much as you can!

Want more information?

You can read more about the London to Paris Cycle and sign up on Discover Adventures Website!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the events team events@thebraintumourcharity.org or call 01252 237867.

Event details

When: 23 Jul 2025 – 27 Jul 2025 *

Where: England & France

Registration fee: £149

Sponsorship: £1,950

* different trip dates available and can be seen on ‘Sign up now’ button

This event is organised by Discover Adventure.

Supporting you

You’ll receive support from the Events Team including:

  • email updates
  • links to our fundraising resources
  • a t-shirt to wear for the event