Get your school involved
There are lots of fun ways to raise funds and awareness for us with your school. Every action, big or small, helps us to make an urgent difference to the lives of people with a brain tumour and their families.
We’ve put together a list of fundraising ideas and other ways that you can get your school involved. We’d love to hear your plans – let us know what you’re thinking of doing and our community fundraising team can make sure that you have everything you need for your event.
Raise awareness through HeadSmart
Our award winning HeadSmart campaign aims to reduce the time it takes to diagnose a brain tumour in a child, by raising awareness and knowledge of the signs and symptoms of childhood brain tumours.
We can provide parents and teachers with HeadSmart symptoms cards and posters to make them brain tumour aware. Please email to request your posters and symptoms card.
Non-uniform day
Everyone loves not having to wear their uniform so ask for a small donation in return for people wearing their own clothes. Why not pick a theme if you want to make more of a statement, everyone could come as their favourite film character or superhero? Or maybe get your teachers to come in school uniform!
Cake sale
Challenge your teachers to a bake-off challenge judged by you, or see how many different types of cupcake people can bring to sell. Bake some delicious treats and sell them during break times and after school. Remember to put up some posters before so that everyone knows to bring some spending money!
Imogen held a fundraising event at her school and raised £55 by selling some of her DVD’s, biscuits and a ‘win a bar of chocolate by throwing a coin on it’ game!

Imi is living with a brain tumour and is a truly inspiring young lady, who is doing all she can to help us defeat brain tumours. Thank you for being such a superstar!
Promote your bake sale! –
Use our editable poster to make sure everyone knows the time, date and location of your charity bake sale!
Jumble sale
Gather together old books and toys and hold a sale in the school hall or playground. A great way for unwanted items to be treasured by someone else! You could run your sale like a business and everyone could take on a role in making it a success.
End of term party or school fete
Why not run a stall or organise a raffle at your end of term party or school fete? You could even try something really challenging like persuading your teachers to help you raise money for charity by getting gunged if you hit a certain fundraising target!

Kingcase Primary in Prestwick, Ayrshire had ‘Be a genius for a day’ fundraiser in memory of Year 7 pupil Sam.
The cheque presentation was done during their School Assembly on what would have been Sam’s 11th birthday. Over £900 was raised – an amazing total!
Sports tournament
Hold an inter-class rounders, football or netball tournament. Encourage your teachers to form a team and take on a team of pupils. Ask for donations from spectators or charge a small entry fee per team.