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The Linzi Geddes Fund

Raising funds for The Brain Tumour Charity in memory of Linzi.


funds raised so far

Linzi’s story

In May 2013, Linzi started to get headaches that got progressively worse. In early June after going to her doctors and being told to take paracetamol and get an early night, Linzi was rushed to hospital after she became very unwell. After scans, a mass on her brain was diagnosed. A week later the diagnosis was confirmed as Glioblastoma Multiforme, the most aggressive form of brain cancer, with an average life expectancy of just 15 months.

“We will continue to help fight the battle against this devastating disease and raise much needed funds for research in the hope of finding a cure one day”

Despite surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in February 2014 Linzi deteriorated and was admitted to a hospice the following month. On 14th May 2014 at 47 years old and just 49 weeks after diagnosis, Linzi sadly lost her battle.

Although Linzi is no longer with us, she lives on in our hearts and will never be forgotten. We will continue to help fight the battle against this devastating disease and raise much needed funds for research in the hope of finding a cure one day.