Paediatric Brain Tumour Information Pack
If your child has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and you don’t know which way to turn, start with our Paediatric Brain Tumour Information Pack.

What’s in our free Brain Tumour Information Pack?
Developed with our community, our Information Pack is full of useful knowledge, from practical advice to tips on where to find support.
You’ll receive four booklets as well as an activity booklet for your child to complete if they wish.
While packs may be particularly useful for parents and carers of a recently diagnosed child, the resources are suitable for anyone affected by a paediatric brain tumour, no matter where you are in your journey. Here is a closer look at what you’ll find in each booklet.
Booklet 1: Paediatric Brain tumours: Introduction
In this booklet, you will find out about:
- Who’s in your child’s medical team
- Second opinions and clinical trials
- A Q&A with a Paediatric clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and a Health Play Specialist
- And more…

Booklet 2: Tumour Types and Treatment
In this booklet you’ll find information on
- What is a brain tumour
- Types of paediatric brain tumours
- Tests your child may have
- Typical treatment options
- And more…
Booklet 3: Living Well: Emotional Support
In this booklet you’ll find information on
- Talking with children about a diagnosis
- How siblings can be supported
- Peer support groups
- Parents and carers: Supporting you
- And more…

Booklet 4: Living Well: Practical Support
In this booklet you’ll find:
- Financial advice
- Schooling and a brain tumour diagnosis
- Side effects and how to manage these
- How family and friends can support you
- And more…
Booklet 5: Children’s Activity Booklet
In this booklet you’ll find:
- A wordsearch
- Spot the difference
- Calm colouring
- ‘Bubble breathing’
- And much more…

Paediatric Brain Tumour Information Pack order form
Please fill in the form below and we’ll send you a Paediatric Brain Tumour Information Pack via email. If you live in the UK, you can also choose to receive a pack by post.
What if I need more support?
If you’re having any difficulty filling out the form or would like to find out more about our support services, please get in touch with our Children and Families Support Team on 0808 800 0004 or at