Materials for healthcare professionals
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Our resources include:
- Factsheets for adults
- Factsheets for children
- Education resources
- Employment resources
- Research information
- Publications
- Other information
Discover our learning resources for healthcare professionals
Learning resources – DOCX
A guide to The Brain Tumour Charity's digital information for professionals new to neuro-oncology.
Factsheets for adults
Signs and symptoms
Conventional treatments
Non-conventional treatments
Navigating the healthcare system
Common side-effects
Maintaining your independence
Health and fitness
Terminal diagnosis
Factsheets for children
Conventional treatments
Navigating the healthcare system
Common side-effects
Health and fitness
Better Safe Than Tumour
Better Safe Than Tumour is raising national awareness of the common signs and symptoms of brain tumours in children and teenagers by equipping parents, the public and healthcare professionals with the information they need.
Our site has a built-in symptom checker along with materials designed to help healthcare professionals.
Education resources – materials to support children at school
Possible side-effects of brain tumours and their treatment (body map) –
An education resource to find out about the wide-ranging possible side-effects of brain tumours and their treatment. You can also print off the body map and highlight those relevant to the young person.
Educational support strategy – full strategy (individual form) –
A blank form to create the individual strategy for the young person and keep with their school/college records.
Educational support strategy – full strategy (example form) –
This gives examples of the areas of school/college life to be considered, areas that the young person may need support in, and examples of possible strategies. Use it when planning the young person's support strategy.
Educational support strategy – quick reference (individual) –
A quick reference version of the young person's Educational support strategy which provides at-a-glance information. It can be kept in the teacher's desk/notebook and/or the staff room, or given to supply teachers where appropriate.
Educational support strategy – quick reference (example) –
An example to help create the quick reference version of the educational support strategy for the young person.
Information card – I have, or had, a brain tumour –
This card is for the young person to fill in (or fill in with their parents), giving useful information about themselves and their needs outside of the education setting. It can be kept by the young person or the teacher.
Educational charters for young people with a brain tumour
Educational ‘charter’ for young people with a brain tumour (England) – PDF
A 'charter' of the education rights of young people with health needs. It outlines the support that young people in England have a legal right to receive and the timescales in which they should receive it.
Educational ‘charter’ for young people with a brain tumour (Wales) – PDF
This 'charter' outlines the support that young people in Wales with health needs have a legal right to receive, and the timescales in which they should receive it.
Educational ‘charter’ for young people with a brain tumour (Scotland) – PDF
A 'charter' of the education rights in Scotland which outlines the support that young people with health needs have a legal right to receive, and the timescales in which they should receive it.
Educational ‘charter’ for young people with a brain tumour (Northern Ireland) – PDF
A 'charter' of the education rights, in Northern Ireland, of young people with health needs. The 'charter' outlines the support that young people have a legal right to receive and the timescales in which they should receive it.
Legal frameworks for reference
Employment resources – materials to support employees returning to work
Telling your employer – PDF
Use this resource to look at the pros and cons of telling your employer about your, or your loved one's, diagnosis, and how to go about it.
Possible effects of brain tumours and their treatment for adults – PDF
Use this visual resource to help make your employer/colleagues aware of the possible effects of brain tumours and their treatment. You could print off the body map to highlight those which affect you.
Employment 'charter' for people with, or caring for someone with, a brain tumour – PDF
A 'charter' of the employment rights of people with, or caring for someone with, a brain tumour. It covers England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Employment adjustments (example) – PDF
This sheet gives examples of 'reasonable adjustments' that can be made in the workplace according to the side-effects you are experiencing.
My employee has, or is caring for someone with, a brain tumour – how can I help? – PDF
Use this to understand how best to support your employee and your responsibilities towards them.
Employment resources – PDF
A list of specialist organisations and services that can give information, advice and practical support to help you apply for, stay in, or return to work. Many can also give information and advice to employers.