Mental health and brain tumours
Research has shown that almost 25% of people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year. This is a shocking statistic, and sadly, it seems to be on the rise. That’s why it’s more important than ever to speak up and take action.
For anyone diagnosed with a long-term illness, mental health problems are all too common, and we know that those with a brain tumour are no different.
In fact, a heart-wrenching 91% say their tumour has affected their emotional or mental health. Those affected by a mental health condition may find themselves struggling to cope with day-to-day life, including things we take for granted such as getting out of bed, showering and leaving the house.
This must change. Our goal is to not only double survival from brain tumours, but halve the harm they cause, and that includes mental health.

We asked a group of people living with a brain tumour, and a clinical psychologist, to help us produce a video around mental health.
By sharing their experiences and offering their advice, they’re helping us start a conversation about mental health and brain tumours, and help those affected to know they aren’t alone.
Our free counselling services provide a safe space to talk about the impact that a diagnosis has had on your wellbeing or relationships.
Depression can be triggered by a diagnosis, treatment or by the impact on daily life.
Many people with brain tumours feel anxious at some point but there’s a lot of support available.
Loneliness and isolation
People affected by a brain tumour can often feel alone, isolated or disconnected from the world.
Scanxiety is a fear or anxiety about MRI or CT scans and their results
Personality changes
Brain tumours can cause personality changes such as anxiety and confusion.
Support for family and friends
Advice and practical tips on how to support your loved one after diagnosis.
Support and information line
If you need someone to talk to or advice on where to get help, contact our support line
Videos about mental health
Watch our collection of videos about brain tumours and mental health.