Supporting family and friends
Whether you or a loved one is living with or beyond a brain tumour, it isn’t always easy to know how best to support the people around you. The following resources have been developed to help you look after the people you care about most after a brain tumour diagnosis.
Supporting a loved one who has received a brain tumour diagnosis
Support for family and friends
Practical tips on how you can support your family and friends after they’ve received a brain tumour diagnosis.
How to help a loved one
Heartfelt advice from those who understand what life is like when a loved one is living with a brain tumour.
Finding the right words
A guide to knowing what to say and what not to say when a loved one has received a brain tumour diagnosis.
Supporting your loved ones and yourself when you’re living with a brain tumour
Telling your loved ones
Advice on how best to start talking with your family and friends about your brain tumour diagnosis.
Talking about your diagnosis
7 reasons why starting those important conversations early on, can make a significant difference to your well-being.
Coping with life after a diagnosis
Tips from our community about what to do when it seems as if even your loved ones don’t understand what you’re going through.