The Members’ Business Debate was triggered by a motion tabled by Alexander Stewart (pictured right), which gained the support of over 50 MSPs across all political parties represented at Holyrood.
Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40 in the UK, and reduce life expectancy by 20 years on average.
Speaking after the debate, Mr Stewart said: “I was very pleased to see so many MSPs speaking at the debate on Thursday, along with the Minister for Public Health. I hope this debate marks the start of a process of improving outcomes for brain tumour patients across Scotland.
“This is why I’m working with The Brain Tumour Charity, who are at the forefront of the battle to defeat brain tumours”
Mr Stewart was determined to take action after hearing of the death of his constituent Mark Richardson, who died from an undiagnosed brain tumour in 2016, aged just 32.
Shona Richardson (pictured), Mark’s wife, was in the public gallery during the debate and said: “I was thrilled to see MSPs recognising the devastating impact that brain tumours can have and calling for action to raise awareness across Scotland.”
Aileen Campbell MSP, the Minister for Public Health was one of ten MSPs who spoke during the debate and recognised that improvements were needed, particularly in earlier diagnosis.
Cameron Miller, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at The Brain Tumour Charity, who also attended the debate said: “We hope this is the start of meaningful progress for brain tumour patients and their families in Scotland. Brain tumours are a cancer of unmet need, and having the support of MSPs is vital in our battle to defeat this devastating disease.”

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