Author: The Brain Tumour Charity
UK Government announces plan to improve cancer diagnosis
Last week the Government announced it will roll out a package of measures across the country aimed at seeing three out of four of all cancers detected at an early stage by 2028.
The Copping’s story – walking for a cure
My youngest son James was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2014 when he was just three years old.
My benefits experience
A guest blog from Jason about his struggle to get the benefits he is entitled to after being diagnosed with an Astrocytoma brain tumour.
Keeping cool in the heat
If a heatwave leaves you wishing you could switch your beach umbrella for your rain brolly, you’re not alone. So, we’ve put together our seven top tips to keep cool in the heat.
Outpatient appointments – what to bring and how to prepare
A guest blog from 17 year old Kaleb about what to bring and how to prepare for a day care medical appointment.
Enjoy a long weekend your way
As we come to one of the last bank holidays of the year, it’s time to make the most of it and enjoy the summer season!
The Brain Tumour Charity submits DCVax®-L consultation response
This week The Charity submitted its patient organisation consultation response about the potentially-groundbreaking new treatment DCVax®-L.
Blue Apple Partnership
We are delighted to announce that Blue Apple have chosen The Brain Tumour Charity as their charity of the year.
Daily life in the school holidays
We are excited to share a vlog from Penelope Hart-Spencer, who is a Health Play Specialist.
Travel insurance for children with a brain tumour
A specialist travel insurance provider answers your questions on travel insurance for a child with a brain tumour.
Holidays and breaks for families with a brain tumour
The first in our series of virtual information events for parents and carers of a child with a brain tumour.
National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES)
Last Friday (27th July), the findings of the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2017 (NCPES) were published.
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill passes final Parliamentary hurdle
The Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill has just passed its third reading in the House of Lords and is expected to come into force in April 2020.
The Brain Tumour Charity finalist for Charity of the Year – Third Sector Awards
We are delighted to be finalists for Charity of the Year, Annual Report and Fundraising Event for the Third Sector Awards.
The International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-oncology
Our Research Communications Assistant, Arshiya, gives an overview of the International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO)
Government announcement on Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Last week the Government announced that people with severe, life-long conditions will no longer have to attend regular reviews for Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
Our interview with Dr Tom Millner: Understanding Epigenetics in Glioblastoma
The research engagement team recently visited The Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science in London and met with Dr Tom Millner
Patient choice: Should patients have more freedom to choose?
Tonight we watched an emotional Panorama following three families as they contend with a high grade brain tumour diagnosis.
Meet Rosemary this Volunteers Week
This Volunteers Week we’re celebrating each and every one of our 612 volunteers who are passionate about helping us achieve our goals.
Children and Young People Cancer Coalition
We have joined forces with other leading charities to form The Children and Young People Cancer Coalition and highlight areas where we believe progress is needed.
Early findings from a phase 3 clinical trial report promising results
Early findings from a phase 3 clinical trial testing DCVax®-L, a dendritic cell treatment, show increased overall survival for patients with glioblastoma.
IOTA Pharmaceuticals announce the creation of a Glioblastoma Drug Bank
The new bank, announced today, will support and accelerate new research into brain cancer therapy
Discovery raises hope of slowing high-grade brain tumour growth
Researchers have identified a difference between low-grade and high-grade brain tumours that could help develop better treatments for more aggressive forms of the disease.
Welcoming the government’s pledge for increased funding for research into brain tumours
Following Tessa Jowell’s death, the government has tonight pledged its renewed commitment to research into brain tumours