Author: Jo Porter
‘The Day My Life Changed Forever’ – Matthew’s story
“My prognosis is unknown but when you think about it, everything in life is unknown and every day is a gift.” ~ Matt’s story
24 Hours in A&E – a brain tumour diagnosis
The new series of the award-winning TV show ’24 Hours in A&E’ features the trauma team at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham who uncover a brain tumour diagnosis.
150 Days – Olly Emanuel’s last radio drama
A tribute to playwright Oliver Emanuel and a chance to listen to his last audio play.
Brain tumours and employment rights
How Grace won her case for disability discrimination and unfair dismissal.
Our work with Seth Smile in Uganda
This International Brain Tumour Awareness Week, we’re highlighting a brain tumour charity in Uganda that we’re supporting.
The day everything changed – Guest post by Cameron Walker.
“Everything changed for me that day in February, and I must find a way to coexist peacefully with a passenger in my brain that is ultimately a part of who I am, and who I’ve always been.”
~ Cameron Walker explains how he’s come to accept his brain tumour diagnosis. -
Emmerdale’s Moira reveals brain tumour diagnosis
How we worked with ITV soap Emmerdale on its brain tumour storyline.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Billy’s story
This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month we’re sharing Billy’s story to highlight the urgent need to accelerate cures for childhood brain tumours.
Taking To The Airwaves: Ellen’s brain tumour story
Ellen Yates is guest hosting on local radio to raise awareness of brain tumours.
Paying it forward
How Pearl and Dean is helping to raise awareness of brain tumour symptoms this summer.
Family celebrates medication milestone
Alexander, 10, can now have treatment at home and his family can close their crowdfunding page.
The Glad Game and the Power of Positivity
The Glad Game has been turned into a book, play and film, to help people stay positive during the darkest times.
The Stars Will Still Be There
Extracts from Nicola Nuttall’s book – The Stars Will Still Be There
In remission – those precious words.
14 months after she first went to hospital, Simrat, 22, was told the news she longed to hear. She was in remission! Here’s her story.
Red Herring – an award-winning documentary.
Meet Kit Vincent who created the film Red Herring. In turning the cameras on himself and his loved ones, Kit processes his own brain tumour diagnosis. The film is being screened at selected cinemas from 3 May and is also available for streaming at home.
Dr Simon Newman joins The Brain Tumour Charity
We’re excited to announce that we’ve appointed Dr Simon Newman as our new Chief Scientific Officer.
“Looking back… there were loads of symptoms I brushed off.”
Catrin George-Carey was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour in March 2022. Now back at work following successful surgery, she’s highlighting the brain tumour symptoms that she initially brushed off – so that others don’t do so!
Shifting the dial on inclusion in medical research
This Black History Month we’re examining ways The Brain Tumour Charity can help work towards making participation in medical research more inclusive.
Alastair’s Story: Part One – Crossing a Threshold
In this four-part series, Ali Travis, who was diagnosed with a high-grade glioma at just 32, shares his beautifully written and, somehow, positive experience of coming to terms with his diagnosis.
Alastair’s Story: Part Two – A robot called Stealth
In his second guest blog post, Ali Travis describes coming to terms with his diagnosis and explaining it to his loved ones.
Alastair’s Story: Part Three – A Battle We’ll Lose
In the third of a four-part series, Ali Travis, who is living with a high-grade glioma, shares his experience of coming to terms with his diagnosis.
Alastair’s Story: Part Four – Best Year of my Life
In the last of this four-part series, Ali Travis explains how being diagnosed with cancer taught him that “a good life cut short, is still a good life.”