It was a really misty morning, the lanes were quiet and the wildlife out in force. I saw pheasants, rabbits, deer and a bird of prey, (not sure what). It was amazing to be out running amongst all this!
My running journey began just over a year ago when I started ‘The Couch to 5KM’ programme. I hadn’t run since school cross country days and even that couldn’t really be called running! On completing the programme I wanted to increase the distance that I was running and on turning 50 years old decided I would love to challenge my body physically by running in the London Marathon. I was lucky enough to gain a ‘Brain Tumour Charity’ Gold Bond place and so here I am!
I am no athlete and have no idea really what I am doing, although I did gain so much from The Brain Tumour Charity training day in November. My longest distance run so far is a half marathon around Silverstone Race Circuit in November. I am so thrilled to have completed it (without injury, thanks I am sure to all the exercises Sarah Russell shared). I am going to start the ‘plan’ in the New Year, but at the moment I am running every other day between 6-10 miles.
My fundraising is going ok, 47% of target reached, although I must admit this seems a bigger hurdle than the actual marathon at the moment. I am sure this will change as 26th April gets closer! I have exhausted approaching friends, so plan to move on to local companies in the New Year. Following on from this I am going to host a village ‘Cake and coffee morning’! Then review!
I never wake up thinking ‘great it’s a running day’, but once I am out I do love it. I feel so very privileged to be running the marathon on behalf of The Brain Tumour Charity.