As Glen and Robyn discussed a bucket list in Casualty’s ongoing brain tumour storyline, which we’ve advised on, Sarah knows how this gives you the most important thing of all.
Taking a selfie in New York’s Times Square, Sarah and Steve look like any other young happy couple enjoying each other’s company on a carefree trip.
Now, although she faces many challenges, she is determined to fill her family’s life with love and laughter.
For in that photo in those precious freeze-framed moments she and Steve are a carefree couple, thanks to Sarah’s bucket list.
She’s ticked off teaching them swim and ride a bike and making snow angels with Ava – although she hates snow!

Sarah and Steve on a helicopter, flying around New York.
“I hope my list is creating happy memories for my family of our amazing times together and teaching my children the most precious lesson of all – life is for living.”
Along with swimming with great white sharks in South Africa, going to Dubai and Singapore, she wants to meet David Beckham and eat at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant.
She’s already done a sky dive, bungee jump, learned to ride a motor bike and did the Great North Swim for us in June when she raised over £4000 and still counting.
Just six months after she gave birth to Ava, Sarah was diagnosed with a brain tumour.
“After my diagnosis, the next few weeks were a blur. I felt lost and frightened, “said Sarah.
“But my strength came back when I looked at my tiny baby girl and swore nothing would take me away from her.
“I had to hear her say Mama and see her wobbly first steps. Doctors agreed I could have surgery after sharing Ava’s magical first Christmas before I had surgery.”
During the nine-and-a-half hour op, surgeons removed the whole tumour. Biopsy results confirmed it was a haemangioblastoma.
Four years later, Sarah’s first MRI after Jenson was born showed another brain tumour.
“We were overwhelmed with fear, anger and sadness. How could this be happening to my little crew again?” she said.
“But, again, I told myself I was a mum and I wasn’t going anywhere until I’d seen if my baby boy’s eyes changed colour. I was determined to show my family, especially Ava, that no matter what life throws at us, we always try our best.“
So Sarah drew up a mini bucket list before more surgery: To have Jenson’s christening and celebrate his and Ava’s birthdays. It gave her a focus.
During the eight-hour operation in May 2014, surgeons removed another haemangioblastoma.
But her bucket list keeps her positive.

Sarah’s bucket list keeps her positive
“We’ve just come back from New York which is a fabulous big tick off my bucket list. That list is making happy memories for my family and gives me light at the end of the tunnel. If you haven’t got light, what have you got?”
“It gives me light at the end of the tunnel and helps me make the most of every day,” said Sarah.
“It’s been a crazy old time in our household over the past few years and sadly it will continue to be until my time is up.
“But I hope my list is creating happy memories for my family of our amazing times together and teaching my children the most precious lesson of all – life is for living.
Steve said: “Every child deserves a living angel, someone who will never get fed up and give up on them, someone who understands every beat of their heart. That is Sarah. My inspiration.“
Sarah’s bucket list
- Swim with Great White Sharks in South Africa
Swim The Great North Swim, for The Brain Tumour Charity15,000ft sky DiveVisit NYCBungee JumpLearn to ride a motorbikePass my line manager programme & be assigned- Drive a super car
Teach Ava and Jenson to swim & ride a bike- Eat at a Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay restaurant
1. Swim with Great White Sharks in South Africa
Swim The Great North Swim, for The Brain Tumour Charity3.
15,000ft sky Dive4.
Visit NYC5.
Bungee Jump6.
Learn to ride a motorbike7.
Pass my line manager programme & be assigned8. Drive a super car
Teach Ava and Jenson to swim & ride a bike10. Eat at a Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay restaurant
11. Meet David Beckham or get his autograph for growing celebrity signed collection.
Go snorkelling with Ava & Jenson abroad13.
Walk Over Brooklyn Bridge14.
Get a tattoo15. Make the kids a play den in the garden so they both have somewhere to go & play when I’m poorly – epic fail so far
16. Shave hair off for Charity
17. Go to as many F1 races as possible
SilverstoneHungaryMonte CarloDubai
18. Meet Jenson Button & Lewis Hamilton
19. Climb a mountain
Go Camping with Ste & the kids21.
Make my family proud22.
Do a random act of kindness23.
Make a snow Angel with the kids24.
Stop biting my nails25.
Give blood26.
Register as an Organ Donor27. Become better at reading & writing, also help Ava & Jenson to learn- ongoing
Belly laugh at least once a day29. Raise money for charity
Go to a concert31. Visit Ireland
See a comedian33.
Join a football team34.
Go canoeing35.
Go on a cruise36.
Eat chocolate for dinner37.
Helicopter ride around NYC38. Get a family drawn portrait.
Spa day40.
Stand at the very top of the Eiffel Tower41. Zip Line
42. Watch my babies grow for as long as possible
43. Be as nice person as I can be
Visit Scotland45.
Go fishing with the tribe46. Learn to cook the perfect Sunday Lunch for Steven – not going so well!
47. Watch a beautiful sun set
48. Paint balling
49. Go to hot springs in Iceland
50. Dance until my feet get sore