Category: Blog post
“My dreams of being a professional footballer were dashed by my brain tumour.”
Rhys Holmes, 31 from Newport in South Wales, spent his childhood dreaming of playing football before his young hopes were dashed when he started having symptoms of what would be diagnosed as a brain tumour.
Meet our London Marathon runners – Claire’s story
My marathon journey has been a bit of a whirlwind. I lost my husband to this cruel disease in April last year after a courageous 17 month battle.
Meet our London Marathon runners – Nina’s story
Well I have just got back from my best run yet! It wasn’t my longest or fastest but definitely one that I will remember.
What The Twilight Walk means to our walkers
Each year, our inspiring supporters come together to take part in The Twilight Walk in unique ways and for many different reasons.
Top tips from top fundraisers
If you want to get off the fundraising start line, boost your total higher, or push yourself to raise even more for a cure then our dedicated community are here to help.
Top tips to care for your mental health
In preparation for Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, we’ve pulled together six top tips for looking after your mental health that are perfect for anybody affected by a brain tumour.
The London Marathon: a personal blog
The Charity’s corporate partnerships officer Steve Salazar, has been pounding the training miles
The second blog from the Society for Neuro-oncology conference
SNO is an annual conference where those at the forefront of research to defeat brain tumours come together to share their work, discuss the progress that has been made and consider strategies for future development
Updates from the Society for Neuro-oncology conference
We recently represented the charity at an international scientific conference called SNO in New Orleans
21 days of wellbeing
Join our 21 Days of Wellbeing challenge and give your wellbeing a boost
Enjoy a long weekend your way
As we come to one of the last bank holidays of the year, it’s time to make the most of it and enjoy the summer season!
Meet Rosemary this Volunteers Week
This Volunteers Week we’re celebrating each and every one of our 612 volunteers who are passionate about helping us achieve our goals.
Ask the researcher: Top five things I’ve learnt and why you should go next time
This was the first live ‘Ask The Researcher’ event hosted by The Brain Tumour Charity, and it went so well.
Halve the harm!
Here at The Brain Tumour Charity we’re always learning, so when Professor David Walker came for an unannounced visit, he didn’t leave without imparting some knowledge first.
Supporting your loved one
Top Tips on supporting someone diagnosed with a brain tumour, as recommended by our Community.
Finding the right words
Knowing what to say when your loved one has been diagnosed with a brain tumour can feel incredibly worrying. We’ve created a helpful Do’s and Don’ts list, to guide you when you’re stuck for words.
Benefit cut equals further hurt for the bereaved
Why a decision to cut benefits paid to bereaved parents is not in the interests of affected families.
Are women being labelled as mentally ill when in fact the cause of their symptoms is potentially more deadly?
Senior Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Beccy Shortt, discusses the journey many women face to being correctly diagnosed with a brain tumour.
A sibling’s story: When Fleur’s sister Grace was diagnosed, her family world fell apart
Fleur Latter’s sister Grace, was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma in early 2014 when she was in her third year at University.
Casualty actors praise ‘crucial advice’ from The Charity
As Casualty’s closing credits rolled this evening, the show’s four million viewers were left on tenterhooks wondering if nurse Robyn would have her happy ending.
My bucket list is creating magical memories for my kids
Sarah was diagnosed with brain tumours after the birth of both of her children. She has put together a bucket list and is determined to fill her family’s life with love and laughter.
As Casualty back on air with brain tumour storyline – your verdict so far
As Casualty returns to our screens on Saturday (August 27) for its 30th anniversary episode and the new series develops Glen’s brain tumour storyline, we look forward to hearing your views.
The Brain Tumour Charity advises top BBC drama, Casualty, on brain tumour storyline
We are delighted to reveal that we have been working with BBC 1’s Casualty on its brain tumour storyline, where Glen is diagnosed with a glioblastoma.
How long does it take to get diagnosed?
For the majority of those diagnosed it takes longer than you’d think. A survey by The Brain Tumour Charity found that more than a third of people with a brain tumour had visited their GP at least five times before they were diagnosed.