Category: Blog post
Shona Floyd on her daughter Tasha’s brain donation to further help research into DIPG
Tasha Floyd, one of our first Young Ambassadors, who died at the end of 2015 at the age of 24, donated her brain to medical research. Early in 2015, she took a lead role in launching our five-year strategy, Defeating Brain Tumours.
Computer games can build memory skills and a sharper mind – could they help brain tumour patients?
From Call of Duty to Candy Crush, digital games are played by millions around the world. But could they offer more than entertainment?
Caring for my husband is not a burden. But I wish things were different.
Lyn Roberts spoke to us about her experiences as a full-time carer for her husband David.
Why can’t brain tumour patients try new treatments?
In the past five years, more than 45,000 people in the UK have been diagnosed with a brain tumour. That’s 45,000 lives turned upside down.