Category: Policy & Public Affairs
Will you help us speak with One Cancer Voice?
Add your voice to ours by signing the Parliamentary Petition calling for the Government to urgently invest in establishing the UK as a world-beating force in cancer survival and care.
Keeping Up Momentum in Scotland
Back in April, we published our brain tumour manifesto ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections to lay out the action the next Scottish Government needs to take to deliver vital progress for those affected by a brain tumour in Scotland.
Launching our Manifesto for Scotland ahead of the May Parliament elections
Our Manifesto urges local MSP candidates to pledge support for those affected by a brain tumour in Scotland.
Raising awareness of DIPGs in Westminster
We are working with Kirsten Oswald, MP for East Renfrewshire & SNP Westminster Deputy Leader
Less Survivable Cancer Taskforce report calls for urgent action on faster diagnosis
The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT) is calling for focus, prioritisation and investment in order to speed up the detection and diagnosis of the UK’s deadliest cancers.
Raising the profile of brain tumours with the Scottish Government
As a key member of the LSCT, we met with the Scottish Government’s Cancer Policy Team for a virtual roundtable on Monday 6 July
Pressure for government response to funding research into brain tumours gathers momentum
Several high profile stories and a grandmother’s petition reaches this week’s PMQs and brain tumours are scheduled for a parliamentary debate
Grandmother’s petition for research reaches milestone 100,000
Fiona started the petition to call the Government to tackle hard to treat childhood cancers after her grandson died from a brain tumour.
Preparing for the roundtable with the Scottish Government’s Cancer Policy Team
Last Monday we met with our partners in the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT), in preparation for a virtual roundtable with the Scottish Government’s Cancer Policy team next week.
Our support for the #OneCancerVoice 12-point plan for restoring cancer services
COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis which has had a profound impact on health and care services across the UK and will continue to have an impact for the months and years to come.
Government bailout and support for charities
Our CEO, Sarah Lindsell, responds to The Government’s recent announcement regarding funding for the Charity sector during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Holding the government to account on behalf of the ‘extremely vulnerable’
As part of its response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Government identified individuals who are ‘extremely vulnerable’ – that is, those at ‘very high risk of severe illness’ from the virus.
Maintaining the access to medicines
Since the vote for Brexit in 2016, there has been the possibility of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. Consequently, to avoid disruption if supply routes from the EU were affected, the Government asked pharmaceutical companies to stockpile an extra six weeks’ worth of medicines.
Grandmother launches Westminster petition calling for more research into DIPG
When her grandson Logan died from a DIPG brain tumour in 2017, Fiona vowed to drive change for everyone affected.
The future regulation of clinical trials
With the UK in the Brexit transition period until the end of the year, regulation of clinical trials is likely to be under discussion in UK-EU negotiations on the future relationship
New figures show increase of research funding for brain tumours
The level of funding into the research of brain tumours in the UK has increased overall by a third, according to figures released by the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI).
Standing together with the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
Our Young Ambassador, Hannah Kinsell, visited Westminster yesterday to speak to MPs about the work of The Brain Tumour Charity as part of World Cancer Day.
Supporting the Scottish brain tumour awareness and research petition
Launched by Fiona Govan, whose grandson died from a DIPG in 2017, the petition aims to accelerate research.
Cancer registration statistics England released today
The number of brain tumours diagnosed among children has shown little change from the previous year, according to provisional, cancer registration data released by Public Health England (PHE).
Steps being taken to address the NHS nursing shortage
Throughout the UK, the health service is in the midst of a considerable staffing shortfall, with the issue most acute in nursing.
Italian court rules that mobile phones cause brain tumours
Yesterday an Italian court upheld a ruling that prolonged use of mobile phones caused a man’s brain tumour despite worldwide research finding no link.
New Welsh cancer statistics demonstrate the urgent need for more progress
The incidence of brain and central nervous system cancer in Wales has seen only a negligible drop from the previous year.
Brexit: what happens next?
Boris Johnson entered December’s general election promising to ‘get Brexit done’. The electorate gave him the opportunity to do so. Adrian Houghton, our Policy Officer, examines the current key issues still at stake for our community.
Comparing the Party Manifestos
With a general election to take place on December 12, The Brain Tumour Charity has published our Manifesto, which would ensure that the incoming Government meets the needs of our community.