Category: Research
New ‘gel’ device lures aggressive brain tumour cells out
A new device nicknamed the “Tumor Monorail” has just received breakthrough device designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Partners in crime: When patients become partners in research
Arshiya reports on an event she recently attended at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, held by Mr Mike Hart, a neurosurgery registrar.
Does your sex matter when you have a glioblastoma?
Recent research has shown that sex differences impact outcomes for people diagnosed with a glioblastoma. These differences go beyond hormone influences and were found to be intrinsic to tumour cells
Discovering how atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours (ATRTs) are different
Research, funded by us as part of the INSTINCT programme, has found differences between aggressive atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours (ATRTs) and other brain tumours.
Announcing our second Ask the Researcher event
Our successful Ask the Researcher event will give you the chance to hear more about how we’re moving closer to a cure
Announcing our new pioneering grants
As part of our commitment to increasing survival and halving the harm of brain tumours, we have committed over £1 million to transformative research
Breaking news for research into childhood brain tumour growth from our funded researchers
Our scientists in Heidelberg and London have discovered what drives the unpredictable growth of low grade brain tumours
Groundbreaking clinical trial announced today in honour of Tessa Jowell
Hundreds more brain tumour patients are set to be offered access to experimental treatments over the next five years thanks to the Tessa Jowell BRAIN-MATRIX
New drug discovered that could prevent the spread of glioblastoma cells
Researchers have discovered a new drug could potentially halt the spread of glioblastoma cells
Monitoring diffuse midline gliomas with liquid biopsies
Researchers have found a way to monitor diffuse midline gliomas (formerly known as DIPG) by measuring tumour biomarkers through a blood test
Personalising treatments for children with medulloblastomas
Scientists identify a subgroup of children diagnosed with medulloblastoma that could be given less aggressive treatments
Signalling pathway regulates Group 3 medulloblastomas
Recent research has found that a single signalling pathway regulates the growth and spread of Group 3 medulloblastomas
Tocagen completes recruitment for a Phase 3 clinical trial for high-grade gliomas
Tocagen, a clinical-stage, cancer-selective gene therapy company, recently announced that it has completed patient enrolment approximately three months ahead of schedule for their Toca 5 Phase 3 clinical trial
Halting the ‘immortality’ mechanism in glioblastomas
A team of researchers have identified a new therapeutic target in glioblastoma cells that could halt the aggressive growth of this tumour type
Scientists discover a chemical that can kill glioblastoma cells
Laboratory experiments show that a synthetic chemical is able to shut off glioblastoma cells’ energy source, leading to cell death
The International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-oncology
Our Research Communications Assistant, Arshiya, gives an overview of the International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO)
Different cell types work together to drive tumour spread in paediatric high-grade gliomas
Researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research discovered that tumour cells in paediatric high-grade gliomas work together to invade other structures of the brain
Could the polio virus help treat brain cancer?
Results from a phase 1 clinical trial show that patients with recurrent glioblastoma treated with an inactive version of the polio virus live longer than those receiving standard treatment
Positive results from a drug treating recurrent glioblastoma
New data presented at the recent American Association of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago by Abbvie, a pharmaceutical company, provides hope for those diagnosed with a glioblastoma
Our interview with Dr Tom Millner: Understanding Epigenetics in Glioblastoma
The research engagement team recently visited The Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science in London and met with Dr Tom Millner
Identifying markers to classify previously undetermined glioblastomas
A study led by researchers from Duke Cancer Institute identifies genetic markers to classify previously undetermined glioblastomas
Early findings from a phase 3 clinical trial report promising results
Early findings from a phase 3 clinical trial testing DCVax®-L, a dendritic cell treatment, show increased overall survival for patients with glioblastoma.
A new approach to brain tumour surgery shows improved survival for individuals with high-grade gliomas
Recent clinical data reports that a new surgical approach could improve survival for individuals with difficult to access high-grade gliomas
IOTA Pharmaceuticals announce the creation of a Glioblastoma Drug Bank
The new bank, announced today, will support and accelerate new research into brain cancer therapy