Category: Support
Supporting children with changes in vision
Our Optical Engagement Manager gives his top tips for supporting children who experience changes in vision because of a brain tumour or its treatment.
Coping with change and uncertainty
Not knowing what the future may hold, or losing some control of day-to-day life, can make us feel insecure, leading to anxiety and worry. Here we share tips on ways to cope with change and uncertainty.
Life after shielding
After being told she no longer needs to shield, Grace Latter tells us how she’s coping with her new-found freedom.
Covid-19: How has it impacted our community and what our support services are doing to help
The ongoing pandemic has hit our community of people affected by a brain tumour diagnosis hard.
Get your free bandana on…but not as you know it
We’ve a limited stock of our iconic bandanas up for grabs to repurpose into COVID-19 facemasks.
Advice for employees returning to work
Our Head of Talent, Laura Smith, shares her thoughts on the daunting prospect of returning to work after the covid-19 pandemic.
The Brain Tumour Charity responds to the surge in demand for our support services
The demand for support services has increased during the Coronavirus crisis, throwing into stark contrast the need for support for so many people facing a brain tumour diagnosis and treatment.
Top tips for carers
To celebrate Carers Week, Sara Challice, who cared for her husband Neal for 13 years after his brain tumour diagnosis, shares her top tips to help carers look after their own wellbeing.
The voices of volunteers supporting us through a pandemic
While coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought a lot of society to a standstill, we know that for those diagnosed with a brain tumour – things aren’t on pause.
Changes to treatment – Daniel’s story
Daniel shares his story of his brain tumour diagnosis and how his treatment and care has been affected by the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Caring for someone with a brain tumour during the coronavirus pandemic
If you look after someone with a brain tumour then you may have concerns about how to protect them, and what to do if you become unwell or unable to look after them during Coronavirus. UPDATED – 29 July 2021
Managing relationships after a brain tumour diagnosis
Dr Katherine Carpenter, helps us explore the ways a brain tumour diagnosis can put a strain on relationships for everyone affected.
Patients ‘struggle to access key information’ as NHS staff shortages bite, says report
A report out today warns the NHS has too few staff to provide patients with information and support – an issue we know is key for those diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Top money-saving tips for families in the new year
Now that Christmas is over, we know many families will be looking to economise in the new year. In this blog, Denise, our experienced benefits adviser, shares some helpful money-saving hints and tips to help kick-start your New Year right.
Get set for 2020
We share some of our top tips for taking care of your emotional, physical and psychological needs in 2020.
Seven fun and easy games to help children with language difficulties
Games are often an easy way to support a child who is experiencing speech or language difficulties as a result of a brain tumour.
Money-saving tips for Christmas
Members of our community, including our benefits and money adviser from Citizens Advice, share some money-saving tips to help you keep within your budget over the holidays.
Looking after yourself at Christmas
The festive season can be an exciting time of year but it’s important to make sure you pace yourself, and get the support you need for you and your loved ones. Here are some tips from our community for looking after yourself over the festive period.
Top tips for managing the festive season
Some tips on how to avoid feeling overwhelmed during a busy festive season.
Top tips for eating well during treatment
It can be hard to eat well when you’re going through chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment. We asked an expert how to get the nutrients that you need.
Tips on coping with the change in the seasons
As the nights get longer and the weather gets colder, we asked our community for tips on coping with the change in the seasons.
Returning to work or education after receiving a brain tumour diagnosis
Returning to work or education after a brain tumour diagnosis can be a daunting experience. Our community shares some tips and ideas that helped them readjust.
Returning to work after a loved one is diagnosed with a brain tumour
Our community provides some tips on going back to work after a loved one is diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Being active when living with a brain tumour
Specialist physiotherapists in neuro-oncology, Jenny Collins and Serena Hartley, share their advice on taking part in physical activity when you’re living with a brain tumour.