Category: Supporter stories
Mum teaches young son what to do when she has a seizure
A mum who was diagnosed with a brain tumour during Lockdown last year has had to teach her two-year-old son what to do if his mummy has a seizure.
“One minute we’d welcomed Erin into the world. The next, I was told I had a brain tumour.”
Dominique, mother-of-two, reveals how she was diagnosed with a brain tumour just three weeks after giving birth and the toll this took on her mental health.
“The Brain Tumour Charity helps me feel that I am not alone.”
Kirstin, a communications professional and mum-of-two, had vivid hallucinations and visual disturbances put down to an ear infection before she was diagnosed with a brain tumour.
“I had read so much about other cancer types but nothing about brain tumours – that’s not OK and we need to raise their profile more.”
A daughter who lost her beloved dad to the most aggressive form of brain tumour has shared her heartfelt and candid motivation for completing fundraising challenges to support The Brain Tumour Charity.
“I was training to be a nurse so I knew exactly how important it was to listen to the patient. But I felt that no one was listening to me!”
A nurse who almost lost the vision in her right eye due to an undiagnosed brain tumour and had her symptoms blamed on peri menopause has been putting her best foot forward to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity.
“Never lose hope and to live your best life regardless of where you are in your brain tumour journey.”
Diana has has shared the acute pain she has experienced since losing Gunnar, her adored husband and father to their children, to a brain tumour. She hopes illustrate the difficulties the family faced since Gunnar’s diagnosis.
I refuse to let my incurable brain cancer define me
Natalie Paul shares her story in Brain Tumour Awareness Month.
Simon’s diagnosis story
The mum of a teenager who had two brain tumours was told her son’s symptoms could be because he was taking illegal drugs.
“It’s so important that everyone has access to the same treatment, care, support and medical expertise.”
Nic, 43, from Essex was diagnosed with a Grade 1 ganglioglioma after having absence seizures for nearly 10 years.
Fundraising during lockdown: Andy’s story
A dedicated fundraiser who lost his wife to a brain tumour has completed a virtual walk from John O’Groat’s to Lands End and back to support The Brain Tumour Charity.
“There’s a need for greater emotional support!”
After being diagnosed with a grade 2 meningioma in January 2017, Andy believes he received world-class physical care but his emotional support was lacking. He recently took part in our Improving Brain Tumour Care surveys, to help improve care across the country for everybody affected by a brain tumour.
Mum with undiagnosed brain tumour learns Mandarin
A mum who was diagnosed with a brain tumour also studied for a degree and learned a second language at the same time as having regular seizures which often knocked her unconscious.
I set up a jewellery company in memory of my boyfriend who died from a brain tumour
Danielle Paparone and her boyfriend Jake, 24, were enjoying life in their native Australia when a shock diagnosis robbed Jake of his life and his loved ones of their dreams of what life with him would become.
My dad’s terminal brain tumour inspired me to become an entrepreneur
A young entrepreneur who credits his business success to his inspirational father who died from a brain tumour is now supporting The Brain Tumour Charity to help others who are affected by the killer disease
Taking strides this October!
Each year, our inspiring supporters unite to take part in The Twilight Walk. And this year is no different.
Julie’s story
Julie’s daughter, Billie-Rae, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in October 2014 at the age of 22. In 2015, Julie took part in The Twilight Walk for the first time and has been walking with hundreds of others every year since.
“Cancer is always the third person in our relationship, but I’ve never been happier!”
Our future may be uncertain but my First Dates love has taught me to live life to the full.
Holly Matthews’ daughters terrified she’ll contract Covid-19 and ‘die like Daddy’
Waterloo Road star Holly Matthews who lost her husband to a rare brain tumour three years ago, reveals how her grief has evolved and her daughters’ fears during lockdown.
After 14 years in remission, my brain tumour grew back just before Covid
In lockdown, I fulfilled my life-time dream of writing a children’s book as my legacy. Now I want it to raise money to help find a cure to save other families our heartache.
Listen to our High Profile Supporter Hal Cruttenden’s podcast
Award-winning graphic designer’s ‘100 Stories’ podcast features Hal.
Footballer & Sky Sports broadcaster Dominic Matteo becomes one of our High Profile Supporters
Dominic is a former defender who played for, among others, Liverpool, Leeds and Scotland during a 15-year career is recovering from a brain tumour diagnosis.
Life in lockdown
Grace, describes how she’s coping with spending the next few months indoors to protect herself against coronavirus (COVID-19)
Martino was an inspiration to everyone in our community
Today we have heard the incredibly sad news of Martino Sclavi’s passing. He has been a driving force in much of our work and a huge advocate for the entire brain tumour community.
Nicki Chapman talks about her brain tumour diagnosis
The TV presenter and radio broadcaster, one of our High Profile Supporters, is committed to helping us raise awareness.