Category: Supporter stories
“I’m running this for you, John!”
Rachel Waters, 49, from Leicester, decided to take on the London Landmarks Half Marathon when her husband John, then 52, was diagnosed with a grade four glioblastoma brain tumour in 2016.
“Mum died from a brain tumour three hours before my wedding”
Becky Best had died from brain cancer at the age of 56, just three months after being diagnosed, after her daughter’s wedding was bought forward in the hope she’d be able to attend.
“Doctors dismissed my symptoms as a cheese allergy!”
Desperately taping her eye open, Allana Prosser was determined to prove doctors wrong and see out of her right eye again after a devastating operation to remove a deadly brain tumour – months after it was misdiagnosed as a cheese allergy.
“I had a stroke at 11 and doctors told my parents to take me home and wait for ‘the big one’!”
Parents were told to take their daughter home to die when she had a stroke at 11, but now she’s a thriving 18-year-old after they battled to find a treatment to save her.
Sarah’s Christmas story
A mum of two is looking forward to a festive season with her young family after last Christmas was marred by the discovery of a brain tumour.
Broadcaster and presenter Nicki Chapman becomes one of our High Profile Supporters
The much-loved presenter, diagnosed in May this year, backs our awareness and campaigning work
The heartache of both my children being diagnosed with brain tumours
When Sharron’s daughter, Tilly, was diagnosed with a brain tumour, aged 18, her family was understandably devastated. But nothing could prepare them for the shock of Tilly’s brother, Chad, then 11, also being diagnosed, five years later.
Doctors kept asking if I was pregnant…but I had a brain tumour
It was meant to be a romantic anniversary, but as Rebecca and her partner started walking towards their car to head to the restaurant, out of nowhere suddenly Rebecca began feeling sick.
I thought I was suffering with exam stress….but I had a brain tumour
Rebekah started suffering with headaches in the run up to her AS exams, at first she didn’t think much of it. Then an MRI scan revealed that she had a medulloblastoma.
How keeping calm and positive has helped me to cope with my brain tumour diagnosis
Stuart visited his GP with slight hearing loss but an MRI scan revealed a two centimetre brain tumour, unrelated to the issue with his hearing.
Doctors told me my squeaky voice was delayed puberty – but I was really battling a brain tumour
Teenager Shane Gunby was told by doctors that his squeaky voice was delayed puberty – but he was really battling a brain tumour
Teenager who felt ‘weird’ at a festival is diagnosed with aggressive brain tumour
Hannah Kinsell was 15 when she was diagnosed with a stage 4 aggressive glioma after feeling weird at a festival.
“I was convinced no one would be interested in me as soon as I told them I had a brain tumour.”
Chelsea Yeomans feared she would never find love after being diagnosed with a brain tumour but now she’s marrying the man of her dreams.
No one can fill the gap left by our son, but our baby has brought joy back into our lives
A mother who didn’t tell her teenage son he was dying – only to discover after his death that he had known all along – has revealed how a new baby has filled the ’emptiness’ in her life.
Loose Women and Benidorm star Sherrie Hewson opens her heart about brother’s brain cancer diagnosis
Actress reveals her family heartache as she becomes an ambassador for The Brain Tumour Charity to help raise awareness about brutal disease
Alfie’s story: “I get tired a lot”
Three years ago, Alfie Tinney had a grade 1 pilocytic astrocytoma completely removed during a 12-hour surgery at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Why I Support The Brain Tumour Charity from the U.S.A
Just six months before he was due to be married, Ray Shipley was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Here, he shares his experience and explains why he’s supporting The Brain Tumour Charity from across the globe.
Finding love has made me feel like a woman, not just a cancer patient
Jen was diagnosed with incurable brain tumour at 15. At 24 she found love on a dating app when she was at her lowest after losing her hair
We’re doing it for Dale!
By her own admission, Tara Hammond, 30, has never been a runner. But when Tara lost her good friend, Dale, to a brain tumour she and her friend, Karna Robertson, 28, didn’t hesitate to sign up to the London Landmarks Half Marathon together to honour his memory.
How a psychological therapy changed my life
The Brain Tumour Charity are excited to announce that we will be funding a study exploring whether a psychological therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be adapted to help treat young brain tumour survivors.
Speech and Cognition problems: Oliver’s Story
Oliver Highway was first diagnosed with a brain tumour in April 2012, aged just 39. As a result of his tumour and its treatment, Oliver’s life was turned upside-down when he was left with speech and cognition problems. But with the help of his family, Oliver hasn’t let these side-effects hold him back.
Tchéky Karyo talks about Baptiste
Tchéky Karyo’s detective from The Missing has returned to the BBC One spin-off series Baptiste
Jess Mills, daughter of the late Tessa Jowell, is driving change for all those diagnosed with brain tumours
Today she told brain tumour experts and government ministers why she is determined to make the best cancer care accessible to millions, ‘not just to millionaires’, in honour of her mother’s legacy
First Dates love is helping me cope with my mum’s brain tumour heartache
Cindy Thompson shares story to help us raise awareness