Category: Young adults
‘The Day My Life Changed Forever’ – Matthew’s story
“My prognosis is unknown but when you think about it, everything in life is unknown and every day is a gift.” ~ Matt’s story
The day everything changed – Guest post by Cameron Walker.
“Everything changed for me that day in February, and I must find a way to coexist peacefully with a passenger in my brain that is ultimately a part of who I am, and who I’ve always been.”
~ Cameron Walker explains how he’s come to accept his brain tumour diagnosis. -
The Glad Game and the Power of Positivity
The Glad Game has been turned into a book, play and film, to help people stay positive during the darkest times.
Volunteers’ week: The importance of our community’s voice
This Volunteers’ Week, we’re spotlighting some of our amazing Involvement Volunteers and giving them the opportunity to share what volunteering means to them!
The Stars Will Still Be There
Extracts from Nicola Nuttall’s book – The Stars Will Still Be There
In remission – those precious words.
14 months after she first went to hospital, Simrat, 22, was told the news she longed to hear. She was in remission! Here’s her story.
How being a Young Ambassador changed my life!
Rebecca Taylor, a Young Ambassador from 2021-23, shares her experience of being a Young Ambassador for The Brain Tumour Charity.
Madelaine’s Big Bake Memories – Guest post by Madelaine Powell
Inspired by The Big Bake, read Madelaine’s thoughts as she looks back over the last decade of her mum’s brain tumour diagnosis.
My journey as a Young Ambassador – Guest post by Lauren Nicholls
Lauren, one of our Young Ambassadors has written about her experience of living with a brain tumour and working with The Charity.
For Laura – Guest post by Hannah Kinsell
In this guest post, Hannah reflects on the friendship she shared with Laura Nuttall.
Young Ambassador hosts a memorial match for her dad
Madi Bayfield, a Young Ambassador and fundraiser for The Charity, organises a football match in memory of her dad, Mat.
Young girl’s epilepsy scan found a rare brain tumour
Abbie, a young girl from Nottingham was diagnosed with a rare pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma brain tumour during a routine MRI scan for epilepsy.
Our Young Ambassadors take over BBC Radio 2!
On Friday 18th November, The Brain Tumour Charity’s Young Ambassadors turned DJs for an hour as they took over BBC Radio 2 as part of the BBC Children in Need Radio 2 takeover day, hosted by Scott Mills.
Love is in the air for our Young Adults community
Some of our Young Adults Service community explore how to give Cupid a helping hand this Valentine’s Day.
How to apply for your free bus pass
Matt, who’s part of our Young Adult community, explains how a free bus pass is the key to his independence.
Coping at Christmas
A brain tumour diagnosis can make it harder to enjoy yourself, even during the holiday season.
Emma M’s story
Emma describes how the Young Adults Service helped her cope with her brain tumour diagnosis and why she decided to join our Young Ambassadors programme.
Top exam tips
Most people find exams stressful and it’s safe to say that living with a brain tumour doesn’t make them any easier! Kaleb Ells, a member of our young adults community, has shared some of his top tips for getting through exam season.
Revising for and sitting exams when living with a brain tumour
Exams are challenging at the best of times. But if you’re living with a brain tumour, you’re also likely to be struggling with fatigue, concentration or memory problems, making them even more difficult.
My first Young Adults Meet Up
Chelsea, one of our Young Ambassadors, recently came along to our Birmingham meet up for young adults at Meeple Mayhem board games café. Here she shares her experience of the day.
My benefits experience
A guest blog from Jason about his struggle to get the benefits he is entitled to after being diagnosed with an Astrocytoma brain tumour.
Outpatient appointments – what to bring and how to prepare
A guest blog from 17 year old Kaleb about what to bring and how to prepare for a day care medical appointment.
Raising issues at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours
Grace Latter writes about the Young Ambassadors raising issues at Parliament on Tuesday
All you need is love…and maybe a bit of inspiration
Date night ideas whether you’re suffering with brain tumour-related fatigue, a lack of money, or just a plain lack of ideas.