“When I was diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of 16, I was given no hope. The doctors told my parents I would live for a year, at most. Seven and a half years later, I’m still here. The Charity is offering something precious to everyone affected by a brain tumour: hope.”
Tasha F.
We are proud to launch our new strategy to double survival and halve the harm that brain tumours have on quality of life.
There has been little change in outlook for those diagnosed with a brain tumour over the past four decades. Meanwhile, other cancers have seen significant improvements driven by donors, supporters, researchers and charities uniting around a single vision for change. We are now uniquely positioned, as the largest brain tumour charity globally, to catalyse such improvements for those affected by brain tumours.
Our strategy is an ambitious but achievable plan to drive a step change in improving the future, it has one main aim – to double survival for those diagnosed with a primary brain tumour in the UK and improve their quality of life. It has been developed with a wide range of people for whose time and energy we are truly grateful.
Download our strategy
Defeating Brain Tumours: Our Strategy 2015-2020 –
Our priorities as we aim to create a world where brain tumours are defeated.