We’re in the middle of a fight to defeat brain tumours, and it’s not one we’re about to surrender. We’re in it for the long term.
Ten year survival rates for brain tumours have improved little for adults in over 40 years and we refuse to be in the same position in another 20 years to come.
Science and the development of new life-saving treatments is complex and it’ll take time, dedication and a lot of money. Indeed, a lot of money over many decades. And, like any CEO of a medical research charity, I worry about how we’ll fund our long term commitments – for those diagnosed in the future and those living for many years with the challenges of a low grade brain tumour.
Gifts in Wills are our lifeline for the future. Without them we simply cannot commit to long-term research that will revolutionise our way of thinking about brain tumour diagnosis and treatment. And that’s why we’ve opened up this conversation.
Starting the conversation about leaving a gift in your Will isn’t easy. But it’s only awkward it seems, from our experience, for those of us doing the asking. As fundraisers it isn’t the easiest of asks, particularly with the families we work with where prognosis is so poor, it feels a little crass.
But, also from our experience, once the conversation starts, it is remarkably easy because every one of our cherished supporters wants to help change things for the future, for others. It is a welcome conversation, because they know it’s the little things in life that can mean the most. That leaving just 1% of their Will to The Brain Tumour Charity, means their loved ones are looked after and they are helping us accelerate research to find a cure.
I wish we had started this conversation many years ago. Today, gifts in Wills now fund a quarter of our investment into research and we’re eternally grateful to everyone who has remembered us. But as always, we’re striving for more. The more gifts, the faster we can work and the closer we can get to defeating this devastating disease.
We’re in this for the long haul and our need is urgent.
So, if you do nothing else today, find out more about leaving a gift in your Will, register for a free information pack here