“I had read so much about other cancer types but nothing about brain tumours – that’s not OK and we need to raise their profile more.”
A daughter who lost her beloved dad to the most aggressive form of brain tumour has shared her heartfelt and candid motivation for completing fundraising challenges to support The Brain Tumour Charity.
Exciting new partnership with Make a Will Online
We’re thrilled to announce our new partnership with Make a Will Online, an easy and convenient way to write your Will for free
‘Eddie and the Magic Healing Stone’: helping children understand brain tumours
A candid, honest and humorous account of the experiences of a dad-of-one and junior doctor after he was diagnosed with the brain tumour which he lost his life to has been published.
Announcing funding of pioneering glioblastoma research
The Brian Cross Memorial Trust will fund ‘Future Leader’ Dr Spencer Watson’s three year glioblastoma brain tumour research.
Launching our Manifesto for Scotland ahead of the May Parliament elections
Our Manifesto urges local MSP candidates to pledge support for those affected by a brain tumour in Scotland.
“I was training to be a nurse so I knew exactly how important it was to listen to the patient. But I felt that no one was listening to me!”
A nurse who almost lost the vision in her right eye due to an undiagnosed brain tumour and had her symptoms blamed on peri menopause has been putting her best foot forward to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity.
Me and my Oligo
June 2021 – Update So, I am now on my 17th and final round of my chemotherapy. You would think this would be a time to celebrate. A time of happiness and excitement, however, it is quite the opposite. I know that sounds negative and almost ungrateful in a way, something that definitely isn’t me. […]
“Never lose hope and to live your best life regardless of where you are in your brain tumour journey.”
Diana has has shared the acute pain she has experienced since losing Gunnar, her adored husband and father to their children, to a brain tumour. She hopes illustrate the difficulties the family faced since Gunnar’s diagnosis.
I refuse to let my incurable brain cancer define me
Natalie Paul shares her story in Brain Tumour Awareness Month.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and brain tumours
We hope this information will help address some of our community’s concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19). UPDATED 29 July 2021
Simon’s diagnosis story
The mum of a teenager who had two brain tumours was told her son’s symptoms could be because he was taking illegal drugs.
“It’s so important that everyone has access to the same treatment, care, support and medical expertise.”
Nic, 43, from Essex was diagnosed with a Grade 1 ganglioglioma after having absence seizures for nearly 10 years.
Fundraising during lockdown: Andy’s story
A dedicated fundraiser who lost his wife to a brain tumour has completed a virtual walk from John O’Groat’s to Lands End and back to support The Brain Tumour Charity.
Celebrating our supporters going the extra mile this BTAM
Blair Smart from Fife, is taking on 10k a day throughout March’s Brain Tumour Awareness Month inspired by his mum’s brain tumour diagnosis.
Nine brain tumour centres awarded Centre of Excellence status
New ‘Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence’ status recognises delivery of outstanding care and treatment by NHS staff in their efforts to provide above excellent patient care through a difficult time
Developments in cannabis-based drug trial for glioblastomas
The Brain Tumour Charity responds to trial suggesting cannabis-based drug could be combined with chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastomas
COVID-19 test costs for families travelling abroad for treatment
Travelling abroad for brain tumour treatments could lead to significant COVID-19 testing costs
Four fab recipes to try for The Big Bake 2021
The Big Bake 2021 is in full swing, with bakers up and down the country connecting over cake for our annual excuse to spread the love for a good cause. And the great news is, it’s not too late to join them!
Research at risk
We are calling on the Prime Minister to protect charity funded research – and we need your help!
Motorsport community platform teams up with The Brain Tumour Charity
Driven by a personal connection, the fundraising partnership will showcase the world of motorsport to a huge UK and international audience raising vital funds for research and driving awareness of brain tumours.
The Brain Tumour Charity announces a ground-breaking research partnership
The Oli Hilsdon Foundation pledges £1.5 million to fund a pioneering University College London research programme into brain tumours.
Benefits, employment and coronavirus
Denise, our experienced benefits adviser, answers your questions about how coronavirus might affect your employment and/or benefits. Updated 3 August 2021.
How coronavirus is affecting treatment
Coronavirus is having a knock on effect on the treatment of brain tumours. So here’s some information about what’s happening, the reasons for changes and some advice on how to cope. Update – 07 January 2021.
Launching The Big Bake to raise vital funds to defeat brain tumours
Today marks the start of The Big Bake, uniting all our community to host their own Big Bake events to help raise awareness, as well as money for research and support for those affected by brain tumours.