Phil Spencer takes on third Everest In The Alps
In just over three weeks time, the teams including presenter Phil Spencer, are set to tackle the Alpine slopes.
Nicki Chapman talks about her brain tumour diagnosis
The TV presenter and radio broadcaster, one of our High Profile Supporters, is committed to helping us raise awareness.
Standing together with the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
Our Young Ambassador, Hannah Kinsell, visited Westminster yesterday to speak to MPs about the work of The Brain Tumour Charity as part of World Cancer Day.
STELLAR clinical trial now recruiting brain tumour patients
The phase 3 clinical trial aims to study oral eflornithine as a possible new treatment for patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma.
Preparations for Everest In The Alps 2020 enter final stages
Inspired by Toby Ritchie, the teams, including presenter Phil Spencer, are set to tackle the Alpine slopes.
Top money-saving tips for families in the new year
Now that Christmas is over, we know many families will be looking to economise in the new year. In this blog, Denise, our experienced benefits adviser, shares some helpful money-saving hints and tips to help kick-start your New Year right.
Supporting the Scottish brain tumour awareness and research petition
Launched by Fiona Govan, whose grandson died from a DIPG in 2017, the petition aims to accelerate research.
Cancer registration statistics England released today
The number of brain tumours diagnosed among children has shown little change from the previous year, according to provisional, cancer registration data released by Public Health England (PHE).
Steps being taken to address the NHS nursing shortage
Throughout the UK, the health service is in the midst of a considerable staffing shortfall, with the issue most acute in nursing.
Taylor Swift reveals her mum is battling a brain tumour
As reported in the Metro this afternoon, Taylor’s mum Andrea, battling cancer for the second time, has a brain tumour.
University of Manchester launches application for The Brain Tumour Charity Chair of Neuro-Oncology
This new role will establish and lead programmes in neuro-oncology and neuro-immunology, a step forward for our community.
Meet our London Marathon runners – Nina’s story
Well I have just got back from my best run yet! It wasn’t my longest or fastest but definitely one that I will remember.
A brain tumour turned mum into a stand-up comic
A meningioma diagnosed in 2014 turned Ruth, and the family’s life, upside down.
How to apply for your free bus pass
Matt, who’s part of our Young Adult community, explains how a free bus pass is the key to his independence.
Italian court rules that mobile phones cause brain tumours
Yesterday an Italian court upheld a ruling that prolonged use of mobile phones caused a man’s brain tumour despite worldwide research finding no link.
“I’m running this for you, John!”
Rachel Waters, 49, from Leicester, decided to take on the London Landmarks Half Marathon when her husband John, then 52, was diagnosed with a grade four glioblastoma brain tumour in 2016.
The headsouth team reach the South Pole!
On Sunday, Lewis Moody and the headsouth team finally reached the South Pole after 10 arduous days.
Launch of The Big Bake
Get ready to crumble by baking a difference for everyone affected by brain tumours this March.
New Welsh cancer statistics demonstrate the urgent need for more progress
The incidence of brain and central nervous system cancer in Wales has seen only a negligible drop from the previous year.
AI beats humans at diagnosing brain cancer from tumour biopsies
Widely reported, the artificial intelligence diagnosis was faster than a pathologist, just…
Falling out of bed saved my little girl’s life
After years of her family thinking Annabelle Ginn was just “a clumsy kid”, a scan revealed she had a tennis ball-sized brain tumour
Get set for 2020
We share some of our top tips for taking care of your emotional, physical and psychological needs in 2020.
The inspiration behind Lewis Moody’s incredible headsouth Antarctica expedition
Lewis’s team of 11 enter day three of their epic trek to the South Pole for HeadSmart.
Brexit: what happens next?
Boris Johnson entered December’s general election promising to ‘get Brexit done’. The electorate gave him the opportunity to do so. Adrian Houghton, our Policy Officer, examines the current key issues still at stake for our community.