We’ve pledged funding to support the appointment of the first Chair of Neuro-Oncology Translational Science at the University of Manchester’s Cancer Research Centre.
This newly-created role will further enhance Manchester’s reputation as a global centre for neuro-oncology services and research, following the recent opening of the UK’s first NHS proton beam therapy machine at The Christie Hospital.
The Chair will be pivotal in uniting groups working in neuro-oncology and neuro-immunology, as well as in attracting world-leading researchers and scientists to Manchester. The new chair will have unique research support and resources at University of Manchester and Manchester Cancer Research Centre as well as the academic neurosurgical and neuropathology team at the Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences, one of the UK’s largest clinical neuroscience and brain tumour centres, where there is a world class research tissue collection as well as near patient laboratories.
We are currently working closely with Manchester University to identify an individual with relevant expertise, especially within the field of neuroinflammation, who will spearhead this role.
Our decision to fund the post for the next five years reflects our determination to help develop the highest-quality workforce and build world-class leadership in research into brain tumours in the UK, with the aim of improving survival and ensuring a better quality of life for those affected by a brain tumour.
We’ve chosen Manchester because of its unique research environment, its track record in projects that translate laboratory-based work into real change for patients and strong collaboration across its affiliated hospitals. These include The Christie, which has a specialised unit dedicated to clinical trials and strong partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry which help widen patients’ access to novel therapies.
This newly-created post is a significant boost for research into brain tumours in Manchester and the UK as a whole. Maximising opportunities and impact in neuro-oncology research is crucial as we strive to meet our twin goals of doubling brain tumour survival and halving the harm caused by the disease. We’re immensely proud of the collaborative effort behind the development of this role and we’d like to thank each and every one of our community whose support has made this funding possible.
Dr David Jenkinson, Chief Scientific Officer for The Brain Tumour Charity
If you would like to inquire further about this role please contact us on research@thebraintumourcharity.org