Open letter from NHS, charity and community leaders to people with a weakened immune system
In May, we joined together with the NHS and many other charity leaders to co-sign the open letter below, encouraging people with a weakened immune system to continue to book in or visit a walk-in centre for their COVID-19 vaccines including a Spring booster dose.
Fitness fan fundraises following shock diagnosis.
A fitness fan was diagnosed with a brain tumour after collapsing when he returned home after his daily walk during the first lockdown.
Dad with terminal brain tumour says losing driving licence was toughest part.
A dad with a terminal brain tumour says losing his driving license was incredibly difficult as it took away his independence and role in the family.
“We thought Dad had brain fog after his Covid vaccination.”
Laura Hobbs lost her 72-year-old dad to an aggressive brain tumour just 25 days after having symptoms the family originally thought were a reaction to the Covid vaccination.
Couple return from trip of a lifetime to shock brain tumour diagnosis.
An adventurous couple who had just spent two months of their retirement in Australia and New Zealand returned home just ahead of the Covid pandemic to receive a shock brain tumour diagnosis.
Holly Matthews’ daughters terrified she’ll contract Covid-19 and ‘die like Daddy’
Waterloo Road star Holly Matthews who lost her husband to a rare brain tumour three years ago, reveals how her grief has evolved and her daughters’ fears during lockdown.
After 14 years in remission, my brain tumour grew back just before Covid
In lockdown, I fulfilled my life-time dream of writing a children’s book as my legacy. Now I want it to raise money to help find a cure to save other families our heartache.