Tag: young adults
“I partied to forget about my brain tumour,” says University graduate.
A young woman has revealed how she turned to the party lifestyle to help deal with the emotional trauma she experienced when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Doctors told me my squeaky voice was delayed puberty – but I was really battling a brain tumour
Teenager Shane Gunby was told by doctors that his squeaky voice was delayed puberty – but he was really battling a brain tumour
Teenager who felt ‘weird’ at a festival is diagnosed with aggressive brain tumour
Hannah Kinsell was 15 when she was diagnosed with a stage 4 aggressive glioma after feeling weird at a festival.
Finding love has made me feel like a woman, not just a cancer patient
Jen was diagnosed with incurable brain tumour at 15. At 24 she found love on a dating app when she was at her lowest after losing her hair
Top exam tips
Most people find exams stressful and it’s safe to say that living with a brain tumour doesn’t make them any easier! Kaleb Ells, a member of our young adults community, has shared some of his top tips for getting through exam season.
Top tips to care for your mental health
In preparation for Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, we’ve pulled together six top tips for looking after your mental health that are perfect for anybody affected by a brain tumour.
Revising for and sitting exams when living with a brain tumour
Exams are challenging at the best of times. But if you’re living with a brain tumour, you’re also likely to be struggling with fatigue, concentration or memory problems, making them even more difficult.
Taking care of your mental health
For anyone diagnosed with a long-term illness, mental health problems are all too common, and we know that those with a brain tumour are no different.
Top tips for coping with change
Our community and Clinical Nurse Specialist at King’s Hospital London, Charlotte Robinson shares top tips to help you cope with change.
My first Young Adults Meet Up
Chelsea, one of our Young Ambassadors, recently came along to our Birmingham meet up for young adults at Meeple Mayhem board games café. Here she shares her experience of the day.
Coping with life following a brain tumour diagnosis
12 pieces of heartfelt advice from those who truly understand what life is like when you’re diagnosed with a brain tumour.
21 days of wellbeing
Join our 21 Days of Wellbeing challenge and give your wellbeing a boost
Support at school
Beth was diagnosed with two brain tumours in 2014 whilst studying at university, she shares her experiences.
Outpatient appointments – what to bring and how to prepare
A guest blog from 17 year old Kaleb about what to bring and how to prepare for a day care medical appointment.
Enjoy a long weekend your way
As we come to one of the last bank holidays of the year, it’s time to make the most of it and enjoy the summer season!
Children and Young People Cancer Coalition
We have joined forces with other leading charities to form The Children and Young People Cancer Coalition and highlight areas where we believe progress is needed.
Raising issues at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours
Grace Latter writes about the Young Ambassadors raising issues at Parliament on Tuesday
All you need is love…and maybe a bit of inspiration
Date night ideas whether you’re suffering with brain tumour-related fatigue, a lack of money, or just a plain lack of ideas.
Helping love blossom: relationship tips when living with a brain tumour
When one person is diagnosed with a brain tumour, maintaining a relationship can be difficult.
The Big Meet – Just do it!
I’d been to a family fun day but I didn’t meet many people my own age, so I was looking forward to talking to other teenagers who’d had similar experiences.
Top tips for tackling isolation
Many people tell us that living with a brain tumour diagnosis can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation so we’ve pulled together some top tips to help you tackle it
Grace’s vlog: documenting life with a brain tumour
Grace, 23, recently filmed her first video blog for us where she asked our community for any questions about diagnosis, symptoms and effects and life after surgery. Her honest and heartfelt answers are now documented in a video diary.
Life in the Lab – Amie’s research experience
Earlier this summer year twelve students Amie, Aaron and Jemima spent some time learning about brain tumour research with Dr David Michod. Amie wrote about her experience: