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The Lewis Moody Foundation’s £2 million milestone

Back in 2014 The Lewis Moody Foundation’s journey began and, looking back, we couldn’t be more proud to say that we’ve raised over £2million for research into brain tumours and funding for vital support services for those impacte by this awful disease. We couldn’t have done this without our community and although this is a […]

Back in 2014 The Lewis Moody Foundation’s journey began and, looking back, we couldn’t be more proud to say that we’ve raised over £2million for research into brain tumours and funding for vital support services for those impacte by this awful disease. We couldn’t have done this without our community and although this is a hugely exciting milestone, there’s a still lot to do! 

Our inspiration to launch The Foundation came from a truly inspirational young man – Joss Rowley Stark. Joss inspired Lewis to set up a Foundation that would have a real impact on young people affected by a cancer diagnosis. Sadly, Joss passed away in 2013, but the very next year Annie and Lewis launched the Lewis Moody Foundation. Administered by The Brain Tumour Charity Since day one, The Foundation has been focused on funding the most pioneering research into brain tumours and providing the very best support and care for those affected by a brain tumour diagnosis.

Brain tumour treatments haven’t changed much in 40 years, yet they are the biggest cancer killer in children and under 40’s. Lewis and Annie have always felt passionately about tackling these statistics and making a real difference – and boy have they!

The Challenges

Since 2014 Lewis has been joined by some amazing fundraisers taking on challenges all over the world! From cycling across Cambodia, kayaking in France and even trekking to the South and North Poles, our amazing fundraisers have helped us to raise hundreds of thousands on each challenge, playing a huge part in reaching theis incredible £2 million mark.

Challenges have always been something that both Lewis and Annie love to get stuck into, so when our South Pole headed back in January 2020, we were looking forward to a jam packed calendar of events. However COVID-19 hit The Foundation hard, with all planned challenges and in person activities coming to an abrupt end.

With COVID-19 cases lessening, we couldn’t be more excited and positive about the return of challenges as a way to engage our supporters again and continue to build upon the success and milestone of our first £2 million.

So we don’t want to stop now, have a look at our latest challenges coming up in 2022 and beyond.

Our impact

The Lewis Moody Foundation has been passionate about raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of brain tumours. From the very start, we wanted to make this a priority and through the Headsmart campaign, from The Brain Tumour Charity, we played our part in seeing the diagnosis time of  paedeatric brain tumours from 13 to 6.5 weeks – something we are hugely proud to have been a part of.

Research is vital in better understanding brain tumour structure, prognosis and ultimately developing treatment options. We have an will continue to fund the very best research globally in collaberation with The Brain Tumour Charity and ensure that the biggest strides are made for those impacted by brain tumours.

The impact that such a diagnosis has is immesurable – regardless of age, gender identity, wealth or education brain tumours are indiscriminate. We’ve seen the impact and speed that they can have on individuals. This is why we’re proud to fund family days and support services for those affected – both for patients and carers. COVID-19 sadly saw our in person days cancelled and replaced, where possible, by virtual meet ups, but we are so excited to be able to look forward to the return of in person days in 2022.

Having raised £2million is a huge achievement and one that we are so proud to have reached. We would like to thank our whole community who have supported us since day one; challengers, donors, corporate supporters, volunteers and ambassadors – you are truly one in a million! (2 million to be precise!)

Here’s to the next £2million and beyond!

Together we can #TackleBrainTumours.