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- ‘Brain tumour is just part of my life now’ says daughter as she returns to work.
- ‘Losing Dad helped me to be the best person that I can be.’
- ‘Positivity helps me to lead a happy life following my GBM diagnosis’.
- ‘The Day My Life Changed Forever’ – Matthew’s story
- ‘Why do clinical trials matter?’
- ‘Eddie and the Magic Healing Stone’: helping children understand brain tumours
- ‘Noah’s Ark’ language test could help diagnose brain tumours earlier
- ‘Top 10 Neuro-Oncology Uncertainties’, identified by the James Lind Alliance
- “An eye test led to my brain tumour diagnosis.”
- “By explaining my own patient journey, I could help others with theirs.”
- “Cancer is always the third person in our relationship, but I’ve never been happier!”
- “Carpe Diem, that motto is important to me. I live in the moment”
- “Daniel would want me to enjoy the festive season,” says grieving wife.
- “Doctors dismissed my symptoms as a cheese allergy!”
- “Don’t let your illness make you feel negative about everything.”
- “Falling 10,000 feet at 125mph is less scary than facing a brain tumour.”
- “He is surviving but not living,” says wife caring for husband with brain tumour.
- “I cared for my husband with cancer with an undiagnosed brain tumour.”
- “I had a stroke at 11 and doctors told my parents to take me home and wait for ‘the big one’!”
- “I may not have had my symptoms checked if I hadn’t been furloughed.”
- “I partied to forget about my brain tumour,” says University graduate.
- “I refuse to be defined by my diagnosis – Karen Bucknall’s story
- “I spent my teenage years living with an undiagnosed brain tumour.”
- “I take one step at a time” – Emily’s story
- “I was convinced no one would be interested in me as soon as I told them I had a brain tumour.”
- “I was in two car accidents before my brain tumour was diagnosed.”
- “I was told at 24 years old that I am terminally ill and given a prognosis. There’s no good way to cope with that.”
- “I was training to be a nurse so I knew exactly how important it was to listen to the patient. But I felt that no one was listening to me!”
- “I wish support had been flagged up when I was diagnosed.”
- “I’m running this for you, John!”
- “Investment in research is vital, to encourage bright minds to ask new questions, and challenge existing ones around glioblastomas.”
- “Looking back… there were loads of symptoms I brushed off.”
- “Mum died from a brain tumour three hours before my wedding”
- “My brain tumour was only found after my pancreatic tumour.”
- “My career with the Ambulance Service helped me understand Mum’s diagnosis.”
- “My son’s brain tumour reminded us that life is unpredictable,” says devoted mum.
- “Never lose hope and to live your best life regardless of where you are in your brain tumour journey.”
- “One minute we’d welcomed Erin into the world. The next, I was told I had a brain tumour.”
- “Our friend Iggy was an inspiration!”
- “Our world came crashing down when Lizzie was diagnosed with a diffuse midline glioma”
- “Over the years, this event has become so much more than just a fundraising walk.”
- “Research into brain tumours is crucially important”
- “Research into more effective treatments is so urgently needed.”
- “Research into other ways of treating meningiomas could make a massive difference to people like me.”
- “The Brain Tumour Charity helps me feel that I am not alone.”
- “The Brain Tumour Charity helps me to keep things in perspective.”
- “The brain tumour left behind devastation in our family.”
- “There is nothing more important than saving lives and without research the reality is that lives will be lost.”
- “There needs to be a better roadmap for glioblastoma recurrence”
- “This profound adventure is now part of who I am.”
- “This should never have been part of Ramona’s life”
- “We are failing people with brain tumours!”
- “We had to find out so much ourselves.”
- “We need to keep talking about glioblastomas.” Georgie’s story
- “We owe it to my brother,” says sister who lost sibling to a brain tumour.
- “We thought Dad had brain fog after his Covid vaccination.”
- “I do struggle with thoughts of what the future holds for our family, including what the next Mother’s Days may be like.”
- “I had read so much about other cancer types but nothing about brain tumours – that’s not OK and we need to raise their profile more.”
- “I only remember talking to the anesthetist about ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’.”
- “I really believe that football has the power to uplift you at the darkest times and unite you, no matter where you are in the world.”
- “I should have seen my GP earlier but I knew nothing about brain tumours.”
- “If it wasn’t for our desperation, we wouldn’t have got a scan.”
- “It changes everything” – the impact of living with a lower-grade glioma
- “It’s a delicate dance” – the impact of caring for someone with a lower-grade glioma
- “It’s shocking that it took me 15 years to get an accurate diagnosis.”
- “It’s so important that everyone has access to the same treatment, care, support and medical expertise.”
- “Learning piano helped my recovery.”
- “Learning to live with a brain tumour is challenging but you just have to stay positive and try to make the most of every day.”
- “My dreams of being a professional footballer were dashed by my brain tumour.”
- “The right people at the right time saved our little girl’s life.”
- “The scenery, from the mountains to the coastal roads, is spectacular, striking, stunning.” Andrew’s TwoWheelsJapan story
- “The twinges in my hand were signs of a brain tumour”.
- “There’s a need for greater emotional support!”
- “There’s no other word for it, her treatment and the side effects were brutal”
- “We could live again, albeit a different type of life,” says wife after husband’s diagnosis.
- “We need better treatment options for glioblastoma.”
- “We promised Jessica she would never be forgotten.”
- “We won’t give up and no matter what happens in our DIPG treatment journey will be fundraising going forward.”
- #WearItOut for Bandanas for Brain Tumours 2016
- Running helped Michael rebuild after his brain tumour surgery
- Why we want to talk about a faster, not an earlier, diagnosis
- 10 top tips for hosting a Big Bake at your workplace
- 10 top tips for hosting a Big Bake in your community
- 10 ways bake sales improve employee engagement
- 12 ways to boost your wellbeing
- 12 ways you’ve given the gift of time in 2023
- 150 Days – Olly Emanuel’s last radio drama
- 21 days of wellbeing
- 24 Hours in A&E – a brain tumour diagnosis
- 29 cyclists take on 525km in 4 days
- 5-ALA available in Wales by April
- 5-ALA gets FDA approval
- 5-ALA the ‘Pink Drink’ – What you need to know
- 72% of UK adults unable to name a single brain tumour symptom
- A bingo night to make mum proud – Guest post by Amy Heald
- A brain tumour turned mum into a stand-up comic
- A brilliant baking bonanza: The Big Bake 2021
- A chance to say thank you: The Founders’ 25th Anniversary Reception
- A day in the life of a Clinical Nurse Specialist
- A genetic mutation causing DMG and a potential drug to treat it
- A huge thank you to all our fundraisers!
- A Journey in Rehab: Anya’s Story
- A mother’s journey through grief and loss
- A National Brain Tumour Strategy? It’s A No Brainer!
- A neurosurgeon’s view
- A new approach to brain tumour surgery shows improved survival for individuals with high-grade gliomas
- A new public petition highlights the devastating impact of DIPG
- A new, non-disruptive brain surgery technology is now being used in London
- A potential combination treatment targeting glioblastoma
- A research round-up from Dr Paul Brennan at the University of Edinburgh
- A response to the UK Government’s position paper on science & innovation
- A sibling’s story: When Fleur’s sister Grace was diagnosed, her family world fell apart
- A unique opportunity to engage with our world-leading research
- A Will to make a difference
- A Young Ambassador’s lobbying experience
- A Young Ambassador’s reflections on the first Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day
- Absence of protein halts the growth of high-grade gliomas
- Acc-scare-lerate a cure for brain tumours with Game 34!
- Acclaimed art project to be made into a book
- Acclaimed artist Helena Traill’s London exhibition inspired by her father’s terminal diagnosis
- Acclaimed sell-out show Britney comes to BBC Three
- ACT NOW study update
- Advice for employees returning to work
- Advocating for faster diagnosis of brain tumours in Scotland
- Aegon announces Charity partnership
- After 14 years in remission, my brain tumour grew back just before Covid
- AI beats humans at diagnosing brain cancer from tumour biopsies
- Ain’t no mountain high enough for fundraiser diagnosed with brain tumour
- Alan’s story – Guest post by Alan Palmer
- Alastair’s Story: Part Four – Best Year of my Life
- Alastair’s Story: Part One – Crossing a Threshold
- Alastair’s Story: Part Three – A Battle We’ll Lose
- Alastair’s Story: Part Two – A robot called Stealth
- Alcohol abuse drug may hold key to treating aggressive childhood brain tumours
- Alfie’s story: “I get tired a lot”
- Alison’s fundraising walk – a year after brain tumour operation caused a stroke
- All you need is love…and maybe a bit of inspiration
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours launches landmark Inquiry report
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours meets to break down barriers to a cure
- All-women’s rowing team take on the Atlantic for charity
- Amazing Alan hopes to hit £100k target with Boston Marathon run
- Amazing in-memory fundraising by the Christian White Memorial Fund
- Amber’s story
- American federal agency approves new medical device for use in treatment of glioblastoma
- American research identifies glioblastoma-limiting drug
- American researchers explore cell enzyme as a potential paediatric brain tumour treatment
- American researchers trial experimental drugs that may halt brain tumour growth
- Amy Nuttall is shortlisted for a prestigious Third Sector Award
- Amy Nuttall to perform ‘Thank You Mother’ at the Smiley Charity Film Awards
- An AI blood test that could speed up brain tumour diagnosis
- An evening with our researchers
- An unexpected journey
- An update from one of our Future Leaders Junior Fellows
- An update from Petra Hamerlik, The Brain Tumour Charity’s Chair of Translational Neuro-oncology
- An update from The Brain Tumour Charity
- An update on our research into children’s brain tumours
- Analysis shows Deputax-M is unsuccessful
- Annie Moody shares why The Relationship Counselling Service is so vital
- Announcing funding of pioneering glioblastoma research
- Announcing our award of £3.8 million for five global research initiatives
- Announcing our co-funding grants with Worldwide Cancer Research
- Announcing our funding of a major new role at The University of Manchester
- Announcing our new £3.7m global research investment
- Announcing our new multi-million pound investment into research
- Announcing our new patient-led data bank initiative
- Announcing our new pioneering grants
- Announcing our partnership with Public Health England
- Announcing our research partnership investment with CRUK
- Announcing our second Ask the Researcher event
- Announcing the appointment of our second Clinical Nurse Specialist for brain tumour patients
- Announcing the Tessa Jowell Centres of Excellence
- APPG on Brain Tumours Inquiry starts
- APPG on Brain Tumours this week
- Are we on the brink of a childhood brain tumour breakthrough?
- Are women being labelled as mentally ill when in fact the cause of their symptoms is potentially more deadly?
- ARISTOCRAT – a pioneering trial using a cannabinoid-based drug to treat brain tumours
- Artificial Intelligence – exploring new ways to treat brain tumours
- Artificial Intelligence improves Brain tumour diagnosis
- Artist raising funds after losing both brother and husband to brain tumours
- As a snap general election is called, our battle continues
- As Casualty back on air with brain tumour storyline – your verdict so far
- Ask the Researcher night proves a huge success
- Ask the researcher: Top five things I’ve learnt and why you should go next time
- August fundraising round up
- Australia to begin ground-breaking trial in children with brain cancer
- Autumn Events 2023 round up
- Awarding the WINDOW Consortium £1.5 million for new research into glioblastoma
- Aykroyd & Sons’s toughest challenge yet
- Barcoding brain tumours
- Baroness Jowell calls for better cancer treatment in House of Lords debate
- Baroness Jowell changed things for the brain tumour community. Her legacy will live on.
- BBC Children in Need and St James’s Place Foundation award grants to our support services
- Be a Star Christmas campaign launches
- Be part of the NHS Personal Health Budget survey
- Becoming “Brainbabe”! Sophie’s Story
- Being a neuro-oncology nurse – Guest Post by Ingela Oberg
- Being active when living with a brain tumour
- Being Benign – Callum Ewing’s story
- Benefit cut equals further hurt for the bereaved
- Benefits, employment and coronavirus
- Best Charity Christmas Gifts 2023
- Better Safe Than Tumour comes to Holyrood
- Better services needed for children with life-limiting illnesses
- Blood test could help to accelerate brain tumour diagnosis
- Blue Apple Partnership
- Box of Hugs becomes our most recent corporate partner
- BRAF mutations in childhood brain tumours
- Brain cancer drug, PAC-1 is approved for Phase 1(b) Clinical Trials
- BRAIN MATRIX: Pioneering research to improve treatments for gliomas
- Brain tumour AI helping others
- Brain Tumour Awareness Month
- Brain tumour blogger Angela Conway wins North East charity award
- Brain tumour dad’s 300-mile cycling team raises nearly £138,000
- Brain tumour debate sees Ministers pay tribute to Baroness Tessa Jowell
- Brain tumour patients continue to report a poorer experience of diagnosis, treatment and care
- Brain tumour patients denied life-extending drug in ‘postcode lottery’
- Brain tumour patients lead the way in global cancer databank
- Brain tumour surgery: experts call for change to improve survival
- Brain tumour survivor backs Bournemouth HeadSmart card distribution
- Brain tumours and employment rights
- Brain tumours: The hot soap storyline
- Braving the Shave to raise funds!
- Breaking news for research into childhood brain tumour growth from our funded researchers
- Breakthrough in brain tumour liquid biopsy
- Breakthrough on high grade glioma genetics
- Brexit: what happens next?
- BRIAN is making an impact!
- BRIAN nominated for prestigious Third Sector Award
- Bristol gallery hosts artist Stony, who died from a brain tumour
- Bristol pioneers new development in Gamma Knife radiosurgery
- Britain Against Cancer conference
- Britney Spears fan who died of brain tumour features in new biography.
- Broadcaster and presenter Nicki Chapman becomes one of our High Profile Supporters
- Building connections to better care
- Building relationships with your child’s school
- Cabinet Secretary for Health in Scotland meets to discuss achieving faster brain tumour diagnosis
- Call for routine DNA test to be offered to all cancer patients
- Calling all home heroes!
- Cambridge University scientists develop new blood test for childhood cancers including brain tumours
- Campaign with us to unlock drugs
- Campaigning for a National Brain Tumour Strategy across three of the devolved nations
- Canadian researchers discover cell subgroups in treatment of paediatric ATRT brain cancer
- Canadian scientists develop ‘game-changer’ blood-brain barrier treatment
- Cancer doctors call for GPs’ increased awareness of chemotherapy effects on teens and young adults
- Cancer Moonshot 2020 launches brain tumour genome project
- Cancer patient designs ‘Cancer on board’ badges
- Cancer registration statistics England released today
- Cannabis oil – A patient’s right to choose
- Cannabis-based medicinal products available by special prescription by 1 November
- Cannabis-derived medication shows promise in Phase 2 clinical study
- CAR-T cell therapy has the potential to treat brain tumours
- CAR-T cell therapy in brain tumour treatment
- Carers – looking after yourself at Christmas
- Carers Week 2015
- Caring for my husband is not a burden. But I wish things were different.
- Caring for someone with a brain tumour during the coronavirus pandemic
- Carrying hope into Parliament: The Young Ambassador’s mission
- Casualty actors praise ‘crucial advice’ from The Charity
- Casualty star, Jason Durr backs The Brain Tumour Charity in memory of Ella
- Celebrate 25 years of The Brain Tumour Charity with our Founders
- Celebrate spring with this new homeware!
- Celebrating our amazing community this Brain Tumour Awareness Month
- Celebrating our award-winning researchers
- Celebrating our international partners for International Brain Tumour Awareness Week
- Celebrating our supporters going the extra mile this BTAM
- Celebrating our young fundraisers this year!
- Celebrating the 70th birthday of the NHS
- Celebrating You 2020: a judge’s blog
- Celebrities line up to support Antiques Roadshow expert Theo Burrell
- Celebrities unite to back our Great Minds t-shirt campaign
- Challenge 88: A Challenge for charity like no other
- Changes to treatment – Daniel’s story
- Charity ambassador living with a brain tumour to take on the London marathon
- Charity Christmas Cards 2023
- Charity coalition demands patient experience continues to be measured
- Charity Investment in Research: AMRC Findings
- Charity trustees Andy and Tim walk 500 miles in memory of Joseph
- Charity wedding favours and gifts
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Billy’s story
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Xander’s story.
- Childhood cancer patients in the UK will miss out on access to clinical trials for new treatments
- Childhood medulloblastoma origin uncovered, opening new doors for treatment
- Children and Young People Cancer Coalition
- Children and young people survey extended
- Children being denied new cancer drugs
- Children’s literature helps lawyer recover from brain tumour diagnosis and treatment.
- China joins glioblastoma Australian clinical trial project
- Chris White MP writes about The Twilight Walk Warwick
- Christmas activities to do at home
- Christmas Eve box: What is it and what to fill it with!
- Claire’s Story – Guest post by Claire Watling
- Clinical trial using an advanced imaging method could predict sites of glioblastoma tumour progression
- Clinically aggressive meningiomas linked to single gene
- Clinicians back Off-patent Drugs Bill
- Closing the care gap this World Cancer Day
- Closing the deadly cancer gap: Voices from Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day
- Collaborating for change at the NICE conference 2023
- Collaborating in Scotland to accelerate a cure for brain tumours
- Collaboration is key
- Combination therapy could significantly improve glioblastoma survival rates
- Combination therapy to treat medulloblastoma
- Coming together to accelerate change!
- Committed to funding world-class research into brain tumours
- Comparing the Party Manifestos
- Computer games can build memory skills and a sharper mind – could they help brain tumour patients?
- Connor, 22, takes on tough challenge to raise funds
- Continuing Joss’ legacy- a month of challenges in a day
- Convection enhanced delivery of a water insoluble drug shows early promise in targeting high grade brain tumours
- Coping at Christmas
- Coping with change and uncertainty
- Coping with life following a brain tumour diagnosis
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and brain tumours
- Could the polio virus help treat brain cancer?
- Could the Zika virus be used to treat glioblastomas?
- Couple find love after pioneering proton beam therapy
- Couple return from trip of a lifetime to shock brain tumour diagnosis.
- COVID-19 test costs for families travelling abroad for treatment
- Covid-19: How has it impacted our community and what our support services are doing to help
- Cross-party support for a National Brain Tumour Strategy as we hand in our open letter to the government!
- Cycling for charity: Brothers do London to Riga in memory of dad
- Cycling Ride London for The Brain Tumour Charity – Lizzy’s story
- Dabrafenib and trametinib – a new treatment on the horizon?
- Dabrafenib and trametinib – NICE guidance published
- Dabrafenib and trametinib approved to treat childhood gliomas
- Dad with terminal brain tumour says losing driving licence was toughest part.
- Dad’s pedal power following his daughter’s brain tumour diagnosis.
- Dad’s tumour recurs as family prepare for daughter to be born.
- Daily life in the school holidays
- Data access vital for NHS digital revolution
- Data is critical
- Data sharing discussion at the Labour Party conference
- Daughter diagnosed with brain tumour after losing her mum to the disease.
- Daughter says loss of mum inspired her to become a teacher.
- Daughter takes on the knife edge of Snowdon in memory of her mum
- Day one at Conservative Party conference
- Day three at the 2018 Labour Party annual conference
- Day two at the 2018 Labour Party annual conference
- Deadline closes for our latest research funding calls
- Debate is key at the Conservative Party Conference
- Defeating Brain Tumours: Our New Strategy 2015-2020
- Defining the origin of medulloblastomas
- Deliciously Ella backs our ambitious work as one of our High Profile Supporters
- Delivering equal access to benefits for brain tumour patients
- Delivering the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce petition to 10 Downing Street
- Developing a Vaccine to Treat Diffuse Midline Glioma
- Development of a new blood test for GPs to accelerate early diagnosis.
- Developments for the European Medicines Agency
- Developments in cannabis-based drug trial for glioblastomas
- Diageo dinner in memory of much-loved colleague
- Diagnosis and treatment during the coronavirus pandemic
- Diamonds used to identify cancerous tumour cells
- Different cell types work together to drive tumour spread in paediatric high-grade gliomas
- Discover Adventure on our Iceland Trek 2017
- Discovering how atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours (ATRTs) are different
- Discovery raises hope of slowing high-grade brain tumour growth
- DNA ‘flags’ could change children’s brain tumour treatments, say researchers
- Doctors blamed brain tumour symptoms on too much drink and sunstroke
- Doctors hail our brain tumour information for schools
- Doctors kept asking if I was pregnant…but I had a brain tumour
- Doctors should order fewer ‘inappropriate’ diagnostic tests
- Doctors told me my squeaky voice was delayed puberty – but I was really battling a brain tumour
- Does your sex matter when you have a glioblastoma?
- Double your donation to double your impact: Matthew’s story
- Dr Michele Afif appointed CEO at The Brain Tumour Charity
- Dr Simon Newman joins The Brain Tumour Charity
- Driving and brain tumours
- Driving change across the UK
- Driving change in Scotland
- Driving down diagnosis times in Scotland
- Driving forward Tessa’s legacy: mission celebrates progress and plans
- Dying well – Improving end-of-life care for brain tumour patients
- Dylan’s story
- Earl Spencer – Why I support The Brain Tumour Charity
- Early Day Motion submitted honouring Laura Nuttall
- Early findings from a phase 3 clinical trial report promising results
- Ed Kerry’s epic challenge in memory of his sister
- Edinburgh research discovers new relationship between immune and glioblastoma cells
- Elena Hardy, a ballet dancer and mum of two, warns of the risks of ignoring brain tumour symptoms
- Emergency diagnosis more likely for brain tumour patients
- Emily Oliver’s Fighting Fund donates towards pioneering DIPG research
- Emma M’s story
- Emmerdale’s Moira reveals brain tumour diagnosis
- Encouraging results for new clinical approach to glioblastoma treatments
- English Cancer Patient Experience Survey published
- Enjoy a long weekend your way
- Enzyme inhibitor shows promise for diffuse midline gliomas
- Everest In The Alps 2019: Six reasons why…
- Everest in the Alps challenge set to raise £1million
- Everest in the Alps presents a mountainous training challenge for Phil Spencer
- Evolution Coaching becomes our longest standing partner
- Ewan and Kerrie’s story
- Ex- England Rugby Captain Lewis Moody to join families at Gloucestershire Family Day
- Ex-Facebook President Sean Parker pledges $250million to research immunotherapy for cancer treatment
- Exciting new partnership with Make a Will Online
- Exclusive support from The Wanted 2.0
- Exclusive: “Ric’s storyline gives me respect for people living with the reality of a brain tumour”
- Expanding Theories Funding Announcement!
- Expanding Theories: Meet our latest awardees
- Experience research into brain tumours hands-on
- Experts call for innovation for research into brain tumours
- Experts deliver glowing verdict as we work towards defeating brain tumours
- Exploiting metabolic pathways used by glioblastoma cells to halt tumour growth
- Exploring the results of the Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2022
- Exploring the role of the blood-brain barrier in advancing brain tumour treatments
- Extreme Fundraising for a cure
- Falling out of bed saved my little girl’s life
- Family blighted by son’s undiagnosed brain tumour.
- Family celebrates medication milestone
- Family fundraising for answers to why their daughter died.
- Family live by dad’s life lessons after shock diagnosis and loss.
- Family looking forward to Christmas as daughter rings bell after treatment.
- Family share how they are coping with dad’s incurable brain tumour.
- Family supported by The Brain Tumour Charity to star in Children in Need special
- Fantastic Father’s Day Charity Gifts!
- February 4 is World Cancer Day. This is Kyle and Vicky’s Story.
- February 4th is World Cancer Day. This is Matthew’s story.
- Fergus and Fin’s London to Paris Cycle
- Finding kinder and more targeted ways to treat medulloblastoma
- Finding love has made me feel like a woman, not just a cancer patient
- Finding new drugs for treating glioblastoma
- Finding the right words
- First Dates love is helping me cope with my mum’s brain tumour heartache
- First stage of Addenbrooke’s trials of glioblastoma ‘pink drink’ research nears completion
- Fitness clothing for 2024
- Fitness fan fundraises following shock diagnosis.
- Five reasons to take advantage of our free Will writing partnerships
- Floor & Wall Ltd tee off to help us defeat brain tumours
- Focused ultrasound shows early promise in glioblastoma brain tumours
- Footballer & Sky Sports broadcaster Dominic Matteo becomes one of our High Profile Supporters
- For Laura – Guest post by Hannah Kinsell
- Former England Rugby Captain Lewis Moody heads up South Pole expedition
- Four fab recipes to try for The Big Bake 2021
- Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire raises over £11,000
- French neurosurgeons use Virtual Reality to map brain tumour during surgery
- Friends take on Thames Bridges Trek for The Brain Tumour Charity
- Fuelling discovery: our latest Expanding Theories grant awardees
- Funding for state-of-the-art research into new brain tumour treatments begins
- Fundraiser runs 1,000 miles in memory of her mum
- Fundraiser sets out on 20 Walks Challenge – to mark 20 years since his brain tumour diagnosis
- Fundraising during lockdown: Andy’s story
- Fundraising success for university student supporting his friends with brain tumours.
- Further research needed to identify possible warning signs of a brain tumour
- Future Leader presents her work at the world’s largest neuro-oncology conference
- Future Leader Spotlight: Dr Ángel Álvarez-Prado
- Future Leaders funding announcement
- Future Leaders: Junior Fellowship Funding Announcement
- Gabby Allen opens her heart about her “funny, caring” dad losing his life to a brain tumour
- GBM diagnosis inspires innovative patient support strategy
- Gene therapy to treat recurrent high-grade gliomas gets accelerated to Phase 3 clinical trials
- Gene-editing techniques give new insight on key protein involved in medulloblastoma development
- General Election 2017 result: No overall majority as Labour make unexpected gains
- Genetically-modified polio virus used in trials treating glioblastoma
- Genomics England are now recruiting brain tumour participants
- Get ready for the summer holidays with our new partner – Currensea
- Get set for 2020
- Get your chemotherapy questions answered at our virtual Q&A
- Get your free bandana on…but not as you know it
- Getting radical with the brain tumour community!
- Gifts in Wills, a (not so) tricky conversation
- Giving the Brain Tumour Community a Voice in Research
- Glasgow’s £32m Imaging Centre of Excellence has now opened
- Glioblastoma Awareness Day – Oliver’s Story
- GM algae holds potential breakthrough in treating brain tumours
- Google’s DeepMind AI division to analyse brain tumour scans
- Government announcement on Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Government bailout and support for charities
- Government funding for research into brain tumours
- Government publishes formal response to calls for more spending on research into brain tumours
- Government ramps up Brexit negotiations as uncertainties remain
- Government recommendations for the cancer registry data
- Grab this gear for Snowdon by Night 2023!
- Grab those controllers, it’s Game Over for Brain Tumours
- Grace’s vlog: documenting life with a brain tumour
- Graham Norton appointed as our Interim CEO
- Grandmother launches Westminster petition calling for more research into DIPG
- Grandmother’s petition for research reaches milestone 100,000
- Great minds come together for new charity t-shirt collection
- Grieving family raise more than £200,000 for high-grade research.
- Grieving sister fundraising to find a cure for brain tumours.
- Ground-breaking research technique to assess the aggressiveness of childhood brain tumours
- Groundbreaking clinical trial announced today in honour of Tessa Jowell
- Guy’s Hospital opens ‘world-class’ cancer centre in London
- Hal Cruttenden stars in our Big Bandana Bake launch campaign
- Hal Cruttenden treks the Sahara for charity!
- Hal raises dough for research
- Half-marathon swim in support of friend’s brain tumour battle
- Halting the ‘immortality’ mechanism in glioblastomas
- Halve the harm!
- Harnessing AI to help diagnose brain tumours
- Harry Smith wins JustGiving Young Fundraiser of the Year!
- Headeast Vietnam cycle challenge battle first day typhoon
- Headline Findings from the Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2021
- HeadSmart “a model” for awareness campaigns in low-survival cancers
- HeadSmart campaign launches new website and drive to further reduce childhood brain tumour diagnosis times
- Headsmart is going global
- HeadSmart wins National Lottery Award
- Healthcare agency chooses The Brain Tumour Charity as their Team Charity for 2016
- Helping love blossom: relationship tips when living with a brain tumour
- Helping someone with speech and communication difficulties
- History of the Twilight walk
- Holding the government to account on behalf of the ‘extremely vulnerable’
- Holidays and breaks for families with a brain tumour
- Holly Matthews’ daughters terrified she’ll contract Covid-19 and ‘die like Daddy’
- Holly’s story
- Hope for Ollie following fundraising campaign
- How a fitness professional living with a brain tumour is uniting our community
- How a psychological therapy changed my life
- How a rabbit virus can work against brain tumour cells
- How a routine eye test can help Tackle Brain Tumours
- How are scientists working to improve brain tumour diagnosis?
- How being a Young Ambassador changed my life!
- How can charities support a transformation of patient care through data?
- How can we cut delays to brain tumour diagnosis? Dr Paul Brennan
- How coronavirus is affecting treatment
- How fatigue can affect you and tips for coping with fatigue
- How has DevoManc affected The Brain Tumour Charity?
- How keeping calm and positive has helped me to cope with my brain tumour diagnosis
- How long does it take to get diagnosed?
- How The Brain Tumour Charity’s project, BRIAN, is leading a data revolution
- How the CRUK manifesto affects the brain tumour community
- How the deadly Lassa and Ebola viruses could help destroy brain tumour cells
- How to apply for your free bus pass
- How we spend your money – a question of choice
- How we’re fighting for people affected by brain tumours
- Hugo’s Story for Eye Health Week: An eye test led to my brain tumour diagnosis
- Husband and dad shares the acute pain of losing his beloved wife to a brain tumour.
- Husband and dad turns radiotherapy mask into unique artwork.
- I refuse to let my incurable brain cancer define me
- I set up a jewellery company in memory of my boyfriend who died from a brain tumour
- I thought I was suffering with exam stress….but I had a brain tumour
- I was in Ravi’s Dream Team Choir!
- Identifying markers to classify previously undetermined glioblastomas
- Immunotherapy and gene therapy double attack against glioblastoma shows therapeutic potential
- Immunotherapy before surgery for recurring glioblastoma
- Immunotherapy drug shows lack of promise in Phase 3 clinical trial for glioblastoma patients
- Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan
- Improving diagnoses through a tumour’s molecular profile
- Improving immunotherapy for brain tumours
- Improving patient experience is our priority
- In remission – those precious words.
- Innovating to defeat brain tumours
- Inspiration and ideas for your Game 34 challenge
- International Nurses Day: The call for greater Holistic Needs Assessments provision
- Internationally bestselling author Sophie Kinsella’s live events
- Interview with co-founder of Black in Cancer, Sigourney Bell – part one.
- Interview with co-founder of Black in Cancer, Sigourney Bell – part two.
- Introducing manifestos for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Introducing our latest animation: My Brother has a Brain Tumour
- Involvement Champion Attends the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer
- IOTA Pharmaceuticals announce the creation of a Glioblastoma Drug Bank
- Is anti-angiogenic therapy to treat glioblastomas a viable option?
- Is it time for the UK to have the right to try?
- Is palliative care effective enough? We ask for your experiences
- Is the EAMS failing patients?
- It’s good to talk – launching our new counselling service
- It’s time for the brain tumour community to get creative!
- Italian court rules that mobile phones cause brain tumours
- Jack Morris CBE appointed chair of trustees
- Jess Mills, daughter of the late Tessa Jowell, is driving change for all those diagnosed with brain tumours
- Jessica Matteo opens her heart about how former footballer Dom’s brain cancer diagnosis has affected their lives.
- Joining in to co-create a strategy for the future
- Joining the UK Health Data Research Alliance
- Joint letter asks Government to prioritise cancer in Brexit negotiations
- Jon’s Amazon Survival Blog
- Josh’s story
- Journey across the Atlantic helping to drive earlier diagnosis
- Julie’s story
- Julien Baptiste in the BBC One drama The Missing, sheds light on effects of a brain tumour diagnosis
- June 8th is World Brain Tumour Day. Last June, Kimberley found out she had a brain tumour. This is her story.
- Keeping cool in the heat
- Keeping Up Momentum in Scotland
- Key biomarker for aggressive meningiomas identified by researchers
- Key takeaways from the Conservative manifesto launch 2024
- Key takeaways from the Conservative Party conference
- Key takeaways from the Labour manifesto launch 2024
- Key takeaways from the Labour Party Annual Conference and what they could mean for the brain tumour community
- Key takeaways from the Labour Party Conference 2024
- Key takeaways from the Liberal Democrat manifesto launch 2024
- King’s College Hospital trials Virtual Reality MRI scanner app to help patients
- Kings College Hospital appoints our first Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Landmark study transforms our understanding of meningiomas
- Latest developments discussed at our second Ask the Researcher event
- Latest figures reveal where people live could influence cancer diagnosis times
- Launch of The Big Bake
- Launch of the first ever Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day
- Launch of The Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce petition
- Launching our ‘Businesses Against Brain Tumours’ campaign
- Launching our ‘Restart Research’ appeal as part of The Big Give
- Launching our 2017 Christmas Appeal
- Launching our Big Bandana Bake
- Launching our data-sharing project in quest for brain tumour cure
- Launching our Employment Resources for patients
- Launching our Iceland 2017 fundraising trek
- Launching our Improving Brain Tumour Care surveys
- Launching our Live Chat service
- Launching our Manifesto for Scotland ahead of the May Parliament elections
- Launching our new Fighting for Faster Diagnosis report
- Launching our new gift in Wills campaign
- Launching our new signs and symptoms campaign
- Launching our Snapchat symptom awareness campaign
- Launching our Winter Appeal 2019
- Launching our world-first patient Databank
- Launching our Young Adult Service
- Launching The Big Bake to raise vital funds to defeat brain tumours
- Launching The Everest Centre for research into childhood brain tumours
- Launching the new ‘A Cure Can’t Wait’ collection celebrating the superheroes of our community
- Launching The Twilight Walk – this year it’s virtual!
- Launching The Twilight Walk 2019
- Launching The Twilight Walks 2016
- Laura, our Young Ambassador, attends the APPG
- Laying the foundations for more effective brain tumour treatments
- Leave nothing unsaid by leaving a gift in your Will
- Less Survivable Cancer Taskforce doubling survivable statement
- Less Survivable Cancer Taskforce report calls for urgent action on faster diagnosis
- Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day
- Lets Talk Parliament with Jeremy and Victoria
- Lewis Moody is taking on extreme cycle challenge to raise funds for childhood early diagnosis
- Lewis Moody’s team heads to the South Pole for the final HeadsUp challenge
- Lewis Moody’s Top Tips to Beat the Bath Half
- Life after shielding
- Life changing new partnership
- Life in lockdown
- Life in the Lab – Amie’s research experience
- Life with my brain tumour warrior
- Life-changing treatment means Zac lives a relatively normal life
- Lifestyle coaching may help reduce fatigue and improve mental health for those with a brain tumour.
- Liquid Biopsy for GBM- one step closer
- Liquid biopsy to detect brain tumour biomarkers
- Listen to our High Profile Supporter Hal Cruttenden’s podcast
- Living with a brain tumour inspired Anna to write Little Nipper to the Rescue
- Living with a pilocytic astrocytoma – Jerome’s story
- London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025 – spotlight on two of our runners!
- London Marathon look back – Camilla’s Story
- London sees the opening of Europe’s biggest biomedical laboratory
- Looking after yourself at Christmas
- Looking to our Future Leaders
- Loose Women and Benidorm star Sherrie Hewson opens her heart about brother’s brain cancer diagnosis
- Losing My Place: The Reality of Childhood with a Brain Tumour published today
- Losing Myself report reveals the hardship and isolation faced by brain tumour patients
- Louise’s story: My children’s daddy lives on through them
- Love is in the air for our Young Adults community
- M&C Saatchi announces Charity partnership
- Madelaine’s Big Bake Memories – Guest post by Madelaine Powell
- Maintaining the access to medicines
- Majestic partners with The Brain Tumour Charity as Charity of the Year
- Major UK trial to assess whether cannabis-based drug could extend life for thousands with aggressive brain tumours
- Make a difference and leave a gift in your Will
- Make losing a loved one count and how we can help
- Making a splash for BTAM: Tom Daley’s story of support
- Making music from MRI scans
- Making Progress on all fronts: an update on our strategy
- Making the case for more Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Man living with a brain tumour taking on the London Marathon
- Managing fatigue during the holidays
- Managing life with a brain tumour during lockdown
- Managing my memory- Insight and top tips from our young ambassador, Rebecca.
- Managing relationships after a brain tumour diagnosis
- Many NHS MRI machines are out of date according to a recent report
- Mapping glioblastoma spread for more effective treatments
- Marking the first Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Week
- Martino Sclavi talks about how his diagnosis left him unable to read but inspired his first book
- Martino was an inspiration to everyone in our community
- Matt McBriar from Bicep brain tumour update
- Matthew’s Story
- Me and my Oligo
- Medulloblastoma drug effect only seen with molecular profiling
- Meet Dr Martina Finetti
- Meet our London Marathon runners – Claire’s story
- Meet our London Marathon runners – Nina’s story
- Meet Rosemary this Volunteers Week
- Meet the Devon mother and daughter duo stepping out for a Cure
- Meet the new Chair of the Scottish Steering Committee
- Meet the researcher: Ally Rooney
- Meet the volunteers collaborating with us to accelerate change
- Meeting the Cabinet Secretary with the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
- Men’s health week: Empowering men to prioritise their health
- Mental health and growing up after losing a loved one to a brain tumour – Guest post by Ed Ryan
- Michael’s 12 Hour Cycle Challenge
- Microsoft’s cancer defeating plans with ‘smart’ molecular systems
- Millie’s blog – experiences of growing up with a parent who has a brain tumour diagnosis
- Molecular profiles show up clinical trial benefits
- Molly’s Story
- Money-saving tips for Christmas
- Monitoring diffuse midline gliomas with liquid biopsies
- More people have walked on the moon!
- More than two million in backlog for cancer care
- MotorMouth hosts racing superstars for charity karting event
- Motorsport community platform teams up with The Brain Tumour Charity
- MPs to debate brain tumour petition report
- MSP to chair discussion on brain tumours in Scottish Parliament
- MSPs call for action in debate on brain tumours
- MSPs to debate need for greater awareness of brain tumours in Scottish Parliament
- Mum desperate to know what type of brain tumour daughter has.
- Mum diagnosed with brain tumour after a routine eye test.
- Mum diagnosed with brain tumour after visiting optician supports our campaign.
- Mum diagnosed with brain tumour is putting her best foot forward.
- Mum diagnosed with recurrence of teenage brain tumour whilst she was pregnant.
- Mum fundraising after brain tumour nearly took her sight.
- Mum living with brain tumour to climb Kilimanjaro
- Mum recognised signs of her brain tumour on ‘First Dates’.
- Mum takes on inclusive new Conquer the Steps challenge just three months after brain surgery
- Mum teaches young son what to do when she has a seizure
- Mum thanks HeadSmart after son’s brain tumour diagnosis
- Mum with undiagnosed brain tumour learns Mandarin
- Mummy Has a Lump helps parents talk to children about cancer
- Mums of team Ocean Valour share their messages
- My benefits experience
- My bucket list is creating magical memories for my kids
- My dad’s terminal brain tumour inspired me to become an entrepreneur
- My first Young Adults Meet Up
- My inspiration to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for The Lewis Moody Foundation
- My journey as a Young Ambassador – Guest post by Lauren Nicholls
- My mother had a terminal brain tumour. Who could possibly understand?
- Nanoswimmers could be used to transport drugs past the blood brain barrier
- Nanotechnology could help understand how glioblastomas respond to treatment
- Nathan and Hailey’s Story
- National action plan for neurological conditions in Scotland
- National Bereaved Parents Day: Eva’s story
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES)
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey for England 2018 results are out today
- National research funding announced for brain tumours
- Navigating the path unknown –James’ story.
- Neal and Sara’s story
- New ‘gel’ device lures aggressive brain tumour cells out
- New article explains why long-term survivors of childhood cancers develop meningiomas
- New biomarker could improve the diagnosis of diffuse gliomas
- New breakthrough into Medulloblastoma
- New Cancer Research statistics on fast and simple diagnosis
- New charity partnership pledges £100,000 in memory of their son
- New device ‘extends survival’ for glioblastoma patients, trial finds
- New drug demonstrates the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier
- New drug discovered that could prevent the spread of glioblastoma cells
- New figures show improvement in brain tumour survival
- New figures show increase of research funding for brain tumours
- New gene therapy could have potential to treat recurrent glioblastomas
- New genetic test offers hope of more effective childhood cancer treatments
- New glioblastoma and anaplastic astrocytoma book
- New glioblastoma imaging shows how tumour cells respond to treatment
- New guidance for prescription of medicinal cannabis but access is limited
- New imaging technique for cancer drugs trialled in the UK
- New insight into medulloblastoma
- New insights may improve treatment for meningiomas
- New Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce report released today
- New MRI scans help monitor slow-growing tumours and guide treatment
- New NICE guideline on brain tumours
- New phase 2 clinical trial testing immunotherapy drug announced
- New report on research and leaving the EU
- New report shows that paediatric brain cancer now more deadly than childhood leukemia in the US
- New research allows neurosurgeons to ‘see’ glioblastoma tumour cells
- New research shows benefits of precision medicine in treating brain tumours in children
- New research uncovers a molecule that halts DIPG tumour growth
- New study suggests magnetic seeds could be used to heat and kill cancer
- New subgroups identified for high-grade gliomas in children
- New Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission report
- New Tessa Jowell Centres of Excellence announced
- New treatments for brain tumours: we need to think differently – Prof. Susan Short
- New treatments for diffuse midline gliomas
- New UCL study finds university graduates more prone to brain tumours
- New Welsh cancer statistics demonstrate the urgent need for more progress
- New Zealand tech firm produce virtual reality cancer immunotherapy visualisation
- Newcastle family to complete their “Walk to Disney” challenge
- Newcastle scientists hail new understanding of glioma cell growth
- NHS England publish their Long-Term Workforce Plan
- NHS England to double pioneering form of robotic radiosurgery
- NHS launch ‘NHS App’ in GP Practices across England
- NHS proton beam centres aim to treat a “game-changing” 1,500 patients a year
- NICE publish disappointing draft guidance on cannabis-based medicinal products
- NICE release a new Quality Standard for cancer referral
- Nicki Chapman launches her music industry memoire
- Nicki Chapman talks about her brain tumour diagnosis
- Nickie Aiken shares her brain tumour experience
- Nine brain tumour centres awarded Centre of Excellence status
- Nivolumab fails to meet its target
- No mountain high enough after dad diagnosed with incurable brain tumour.
- No one can fill the gap left by our son, but our baby has brought joy back into our lives
- Nobel Prize-winning technique used in research into brain tumours
- Northern Ireland’s first nationwide survey into cancer patient experience is published
- Northwich Woodland Walk
- Off-patent Drugs Bill blocked at House of Commons
- Ok to Ask about clinical research
- Oliver’s story
- Ollie’s challenge
- On the path to wellness: how walking helps you and others!
- One Cancer Voice seeks Government clarity on cancer commitments in the Spending Review
- One Cancer Voice sets out 10 tests for the new 10-year cancer plan
- One Song Per Cycle – Josh’s Story
- Open letter from NHS, charity and community leaders to people with a weakened immune system
- Our 10-year-old supporter Amelia Gebruers wins a Pride of Britain Award
- Our ambitions exceed those of Cancer Research UK
- Our benefits clinic is transforming
- Our Celebrating You 2023 award winners
- Our co-funded study could see babies with brain cancer “spared chemotherapy”.
- Our corporate partners unite to tackle brain tumours
- Our favourite Big Bake recipes – Deliciously Ella’s Apricot and Coconut Bites
- Our favourite Big Bake recipes – Harriet’s Chicken, Mushroom and Leek Plait!
- Our favourite Big Bake recipes – Lizzie’s Raspberry Cupcakes!
- Our founders win global recognition for charity achievement
- Our founders, Neil and Angela Dickson, launch supporter fund in memory of their daughter, Samantha
- Our free research webinars bring the research community together in lockdown.
- Our funded research shows blood-brain barrier success
- Our High Profile Supporter Amy Nuttall stars in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
- Our High Profile Supporter Hal Cruttenden will host our Celebrating You Awards 2018
- Our High Profile Supporter, actress Amy Nuttall, releases a Mother’s Day song, ‘Thank You Mother’
- Our interview with Dr Tom Millner: Understanding Epigenetics in Glioblastoma
- Our meeting with the DVLA and the changes announced
- Our meeting with the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
- Our new High Profile Supporter, Amy Nuttall
- Our new multi-million pound research investment
- Our new research partnership with the Structural Genomics Consortium
- Our open letter reaches 40,000 signatures in less than four weeks!
- Our partnership with BECG
- Our partnership with Wickes begins with a bang!
- Our Patient Guide to Brain Tumour Treatment and Services launches today
- Our petition reaches Downing Street
- Our Policy teams New Year’s resolutions
- Our Relationship Support Service is helping relationships thrive
- Our Research Highlights of 2024
- Our research highlights the financial implications of a brain tumour diagnosis
- Our research reveals potential new drug to target rare childhood brain tumour
- Our research update into glioblastoma, adaptive trials, and the ‘pink drink’
- Our researchers develop new test to assess drugs to tackle childhood brain tumours
- Our response to new Independent Cancer Taskforce report
- Our response to the Accelerated Access Review
- Our response to The Life Sciences Industrial Strategy
- Our Snapchat symptom campaign success continues
- Our support for the #OneCancerVoice 12-point plan for restoring cancer services
- Our Time Art Exhibition: a wrap up
- Our trustee Berrie and her husband Graham, are taking part in The Twilight Walk in October
- Our UK-wide report highlights the financial consequences of a brain tumour diagnosis
- Our work with House of Lords Select Committee on Charities
- Our work with Seth Smile in Uganda
- Our Young Ambassador Tyler is awarded the British Empire Medal by Lord-Lieutenant of West Sussex
- Our Young Ambassadors take over BBC Radio 2!
- Outpatient appointments – what to bring and how to prepare
- Ovarian cancer drug olaparib has the potential to treat glioblastoma
- Owain’s story: I couldn’t have played Glen without the charity
- Paediatric Brain Tumour Information Day
- Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill – a start, but not yet enough
- Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill passes final Parliamentary hurdle
- Parents mark £10,000 fundraising milestone after loss of son, Khushil, to a brain tumour
- Parents of boy who died from a brain tumour create videogame experience
- Partners in crime: When patients become partners in research
- Patient choice: Should patients have more freedom to choose?
- Patient questionnaires could flag learning difficulties in children treated for a brain tumour
- Patients ‘struggle to access key information’ as NHS staff shortages bite, says report
- Patients struggling to access cannabis-based medicine via prescription, report finds
- Paul Nicholson wins Healthcare Volunteer of the Year award
- Paul’s epic coastal walk to remember his dad
- Paying it forward
- Pedalling to defeat brain tumours
- Pedalling towards a cure
- Pencil-beam scanning proton therapy could spare memory and cognitive function in children
- Personalising treatments for children with medulloblastomas
- Perthshire hosts Family Day for brain tumour families
- Petitions Committee report on research funding for brain tumours debated in House of Commons
- Phase 2 trial of cannabis-based drug in glioblastomas to open in summer 2022
- Phil Spencer joins the third ascent of Everest In The Alps
- Phil Spencer takes on the second Everest in the Alps challenge
- Phil Spencer takes on third Everest In The Alps
- Phil Spencer’s Everest in the Alps blog
- Philippa Forrester becomes our High Profile Supporter championing HeadSmart
- Picking up the pace of meningioma research
- Pioneering fundraising as we head in to 2018
- Pioneering new cancer vaccine planned in England
- Pioneering research reveals new genetic errors that lead to an inherited risk of developing glioma
- Plans to allow NHS-approved health apps to feed patients’ data into health records
- Policy blog: Day two at Conservative Party conference
- Positive results from a drug treating recurrent glioblastoma
- Post APPG Brexit
- Potential new paediatric glioma treatment on the horizon
- Predicting the risk of meningioma recurrence
- Preparations for Everest In The Alps 2020 enter final stages
- Preparing for the roundtable with the Scottish Government’s Cancer Policy Team
- President Obama appoints world-renown brain tumour professor to US National Cancer Advisory Board
- Pressure for government response to funding research into brain tumours gathers momentum
- Prestwick Twilight Walk will unite the community
- Professor Richard Gilbertson is our new Chair of the Grant Review and Monitoring committee
- Promising developments for paediatric low grade glioma drug
- Protein discovery could lead to more effective treatment
- Proton Beam construction underway at University College London Hospital
- Proud to be part of the launch of Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
- Providing comfort to families affected by a brain tumour diagnosis
- Public Health England blog outlines the vital importance of collecting cancer patient data
- Q & A with Dr Paul Brennan
- Q & A with Professor Richard Gilbertson
- Quest for Cures funding announcement
- Quest for Cures funding announcement
- Raising awareness of DIPGs in Westminster
- Raising issues at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours
- Raising issues at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours
- Raising the importance of Faster Diagnosis in Westminster
- Raising the profile of brain tumours with the Scottish Government
- Random act of kindness results in donation!
- Rare Cancers Bill: How you can make a difference
- Ravi’s Dream hits £81,000 after a star-studded charity football match
- Recent developments of our Leeds-based research into brain tumour treatment
- Record numbers take part in our 2016 Twilight Walks
- Record-breaking rower pays tribute to team Ocean Valour
- Red Herring – an award-winning documentary.
- Redefining medulloblastoma
- Remembering Laura Nuttall
- Remembering Tessa Jowell, one year on
- Remembering the wonderful Tom Parker
- Remembering Tom
- Reporting from the American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Reporting from the British Neuro-Oncology Society
- Repurposing a multiple sclerosis drug to treat glioblastomas
- Research at risk
- Research developments in 2016: what the experts think
- Research initiatives totalling £4.3m announced today by The Brain Tumour Charity
- Research into brain tumours: why money isn’t everything
- Research work placement at UCL
- Researcher inspires charity partner to donate £30,000 in memory of their son
- Researchers develop a ‘laboratory on chip’ device to detect cancerous stem cells
- Researchers develop a new ‘liquid biopsy’ blood test to accurately diagnose certain types of primary brain tumour
- Researchers develop a probe that helps detect cancers cells with almost 100% accuracy
- Researchers discover a new target for immunotherapy
- Researchers discover a potential mechanism for glioma recurrence
- Researchers find that ultrasound may help get drugs across the blood-brain barrier
- Researchers from the University of Ohio have found changes in blood that are detectable five years before the diagnosis of brain cancer
- Researchers hail ‘staggering’ increase in low-grade glioma survival thanks to earlier surgery
- Researchers identify a protein that could help prevent glioblastoma spreading
- Researchers identify genes that can drive development of brain tumours
- Returning to work after a loved one is diagnosed with a brain tumour
- Returning to work or education after receiving a brain tumour diagnosis
- Review of Informed Choice released
- Revising for and sitting exams when living with a brain tumour
- Revolutionary new smart-needle could transform neurosurgery
- Rishi Sunak supports North Yorkshire family’s Twilight Walk
- Rob Walker’s Absent Friends Tour
- Royal Parks Half Marathon – Good Luck to our Runners!
- Rugby legend Lewis Moody heads up the headwest Costa Rica coast-to-coast challenge
- Running gear to get set for the London Marathon!
- Russell Watson becomes one of our High Profile Supporters
- Saddle up for Mark’s Mission!
- Sainsbury’s celebrates charity partnership
- Sally Bramall from Lizzie’s Fund nominated for prestigious award for fundraising in memory of her daughter
- Sarah’s Christmas story
- Scientific conferences, why do we go?
- Scientists at the Everest Centre to transform treatments for childhood brain tumours
- Scientists discover a chemical that can kill glioblastoma cells
- Scientists discover enzyme that supports brain tumour growth
- Scientists find unlikely ally in Salmonella to target brain tumour cells
- Scientists further their understanding of how glioma cells adapt and thrive
- Scientists have discovered a protein that could potentially predict glioblastoma outcomes
- Scientists have discovered that a lack of ‘editing’ could be driving the most aggressive brain tumours
- Scientists join forces to transform treatments for childhood brain tumours
- Scotland sees installation of cutting-edge MRI technology
- Scots fundraiser hits his £100,000 target
- Scottish Cancer Strategy: What is it and what does it mean for us?
- Scottish council first in the UK to adopt charity’s brain tumour symptom campaign
- Scottish Parliament brain tumour roundtable
- Seven fun and easy games to help children with language difficulties
- Seven mums take on the challenge of scaling the height of Everest on skiis in just four days
- Seven ways that talking about your brain tumour diagnosis can help!
- Seven-Year-Old’s Hit Single Gets Serious Celebrity Buzz
- Sharing our work on a global stage
- Sheffield Children’s Hospital pioneers new ‘sat nav’ of the brain to map tumours
- Sheffield scientists take on Sheffield 10K to raise money
- Shepherd Neame Announces Charity Partnership
- Shifting the dial on inclusion in medical research
- Shining a light on our paediatric Family Led Charity partners!
- Shining a light on the differences between glioblastoma cells
- Shona Floyd on her daughter Tasha’s brain donation to further help research into DIPG
- Should it be a luxury to have a clinical nurse specialist?
- Signalling pathway regulates Group 3 medulloblastomas
- Simon Kindleysides becomes the world’s first paralysed man to complete the London Marathon
- Simon Kindleysides, a paralysed dad of three, to take on the London Marathon in an exo-suit
- Simon’s diagnosis story
- Simple cake recipes from the community
- Six things you didn’t know BRIAN could help you with
- Six tips for festive well-being
- Sky is the limit for daughter who lost her mum to a brain tumour
- Sky’s the limit for family fundraising to remember beloved mum
- Society for Neuro-Oncology annual meeting (part one)
- Society for Neuro-Oncology annual meeting (part two)
- Something’s changing
- South Shields mum plans charity walk in memory of her mother
- Speech and Cognition problems: Oliver’s Story
- Spotlight on London Marathon Runners
- Spotlight on new Supporter Group, The Angus James Gibson Trust
- Spotlight on our London Marathon 2024 Runners
- Spotlight on Supporter Group, Firth’s Fundraisers
- Spotlight on supporter group, Kirsty’s Crusaders
- St Andrews Fashion Show teams up with The Brain Tumour Charity
- Stadium to Stadium- The Matthew Smith Fund
- Standing together with the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
- STELLAR clinical trial now recruiting brain tumour patients
- Stem cells are teaching us about glioblastoma
- Steps being taken to address the NHS nursing shortage
- Story of hope: Alice and Emma
- Study reveals cancer therapy can also drive tumour regrowth
- Support at school
- Support for brain tumours: why we need to get personal
- Support for our BRIAN online app increases
- Supporter with brain tumour highlights importance of having symptoms checked.
- Supporting awareness during National Eye Health Week
- Supporting children with anxiety and stress
- Supporting children with changes in vision
- Supporting Davina McCall’s diagnosis
- Supporting the Scottish brain tumour awareness and research petition
- Supporting Trustedoctor’s virtual platform allowing brain tumour patients access to world leading doctors
- Supporting your child to return to school after diagnosis or treatment
- Supporting your loved one
- Taking care of your mental health
- Taking on the World’s Toughest Mudder!
- Taking strides this October!
- Taking To The Airwaves: Ellen’s brain tumour story
- Tanguy and Maxence’s story
- Targeting DNA repair protein for the treatment of glioblastoma
- Targeting the body’s internal clock to treat glioblastoma
- Task and Finish group on brain tumour research
- Taylor Swift reveals her mum is battling a brain tumour
- Tchéky Karyo talks about Baptiste
- Team Ipreo take on Tough Mudder
- Team Tabei are taking on Everest in the Alps
- Teenager one of first UK patients to receive Proton Beam Therapy
- Teenager who felt ‘weird’ at a festival is diagnosed with aggressive brain tumour
- Telling your loved ones about your brain tumour diagnosis
- Telomeres- a cancer cell’s fountain of youth
- Ten-year-old’s scan delay after brain tumour battle
- Tessa Jowell calls for global collaboration at UK government meeting
- Tessa Jowell highlights the devastating effect of her brain tumour diagnosis
- Tessa Jowell to lead high-profile cancer debate
- Tessa Jowell: A sad loss
- Tessa Jowell’s House of Lords Debate
- Thanks for baking a difference!
- The ‘lucky fall’ which led to a brain tumour diagnosis.
- The 10-Year Health Plan – Our submission to the government
- The advances of AI in healthcare
- The American Brain Tumour Association awards $1million for innovative research
- The ARISTOCRAT clinical trial – perspective from a patient advocate
- The ascent begins!
- The Be More Laura Foundation pledges £25,000 towards pioneering research
- The Big Meet – Just do it!
- The BRAIN MATRIX study identifies urgent need for improvement in healthcare services
- The Brain Race announces winning startups in position to defeat brain tumours
- The Brain Tumour Charity advises top BBC drama, Casualty, on brain tumour storyline
- The Brain Tumour Charity and Meningioma UK are to merge
- The Brain Tumour Charity announces a ground-breaking research partnership
- The Brain Tumour Charity announces new partnership with The William Low Trust
- The Brain Tumour Charity appoints new Interim CEO
- The Brain Tumour Charity asked to lead on discussions around biobanking and early diagnosis
- The Brain Tumour Charity at the Labour Party 2018 annual conference
- The Brain Tumour Charity Christmas Cards 2024
- The Brain Tumour Charity finalist for Charity of the Year – Third Sector Awards
- The Brain Tumour Charity Founders awarded MBE’s
- The Brain Tumour Charity founders awarded New Year Honours
- The Brain Tumour Charity meets with Wales Assembly Members
- The Brain Tumour Charity nominated for a raft of Third Sector Awards
- The Brain Tumour Charity responds to the news of Tom Parker’s glioblastoma diagnosis
- The Brain Tumour Charity responds to the surge in demand for our support services
- The Brain Tumour Charity scoops two accolades at the prestigious Third Sector Awards
- The Brain Tumour Charity shortlisted for a £100K grant from the Masonic Samaritan Fund
- The Brain Tumour Charity submits DCVax®-L consultation response
- The Brain Tumour Charity wins Charity of the Year at the JustGiving Awards!
- The Brain Tumour Charity’s founder Neil Dickson retires
- The Brain Tumour Charity’s Head of Strategy, Clare Normand, receives an OBE
- The Brain Tumour Charity’s response to UK Government proposals on PIP
- The Cancer Research UK Brain Tumour Conference 2024
- The Cancer Tech Accelerator
- The Charity holds the first ever brain tumour roundtable in Wales
- The Copping’s story – walking for a cure
- The Darzi report: breaking down the key themes for the brain tumour community
- The day everything changed – Guest post by Cameron Walker.
- The Dell Technologies Management Challenge : Adventure Racing in the Brecon Beacons to raise funds for The Brain Tumour Charity
- The EU decision: Our strategy continues
- The Everest Centre lead researcher running virtual London Marathon
- The future of European scientific research
- The future regulation of clinical trials
- The Glad Game and the Power of Positivity
- The glioblastoma diagnosis that changed our lives
- The headsouth team reach the South Pole!
- The heartache of both my children being diagnosed with brain tumours
- The high price of a brain tumour diagnosis: our report out today
- The hurdles of medical research that face the SNP
- The impact a gift can make
- The impact of our Celebrating You Awards
- The implications of the Scottish Parliament brain tumour debate
- The importance of a dying wish.
- The inspiration behind Lewis Moody’s incredible headsouth Antarctica expedition
- The International Symposium on Paediatric Neuro-oncology
- The last day of the 2018 Labour Party conference
- The latest research developments using the Zika virus to treat glioblastoma
- The launch of Celebrating You 2020
- The launch of our devolved nations Manifestos
- The Lewis Moody Foundation raises over £1million for people affected by brain tumours
- The Lewis Moody Foundation’s £2 million milestone
- The London Marathon: a personal blog
- The mental health effects of caring for someone who has a brain tumour – Guest post by Francesca Silverton
- The National Cancer Diagnosis Audit will better understand the journey to diagnosis
- The National Institute for Health Research announces framework for restarting vital studies
- The need for more research participation opportunities
- The new NICE guidelines entitled ‘Brain tumours (primary) and brain metastases in adults’
- The NHS Long Term Plan (for England) in review
- The Oli Hilsdon Foundation smashes fundraising goal 18 months early!
- The Petitions Committee’s report on funding for research in to brain tumours is released today
- The Platinum Champions Awards are in honour of Her Majesty The Queen and launched by the Royal Voluntary Service in 2022!
- The Rare Cancers Bill – why it is the leadership we need
- The reality of brain tumour treatment and care: new report for policy makers
- The response to our joint cancer charity letter to the Department of Health
- The Samantha Dickson Brain Cancer Unit discover brain mechanism that could target future therapies
- The Scotland Steering Committee at the Scottish Parliament
- The Scottish Government and Macmillan Cancer Support announce £18m funding for cancer support workers in Scotland
- The Scottish Steering Committee: Working towards a faster diagnosis in Scotland
- The second blog from the Society for Neuro-oncology conference
- The Silas Pullen Fund raises a million pounds for vital research into brain tumours
- The Stars Will Still Be There
- The United States Food and Drug Association has approved the investigation of a new immunotherapy drug targeting Glioblastoma
- The uniting of our international brain tumour community
- The voices of volunteers supporting us through a pandemic
- The Wanted release ‘Gold Forever (for Tom)’
- The Ways Ahead project – finding better ways to support people with their diagnosis
- Theresa May’s Speech on the NHS
- They’re off! The teams begin the second ascent of Everest in the Alps
- They’re off! The teams begin the third ascent of Everest in the Alps
- Third Sector praise The Brain Tumour Charity
- This walking gear is perfect for The Twilight Walk!
- This week we are participating in The Big Give Christmas Challenge
- This week we want to spread the word about writing a Will and remembering a charity
- Thorngrove School raise £40,000 in incredible year of fundraising
- Thousands surviving for decades after cancer diagnosis… But what about brain tumours?
- Thousands to benefit from Enhanced Supportive Care programme
- Three Peaks Cycle Challenge 2023
- Three things from NHS England’s interim workforce plan
- Three tips to win at gaming and streaming for charity
- Tips on coping with the change in the seasons
- To our 2023 Great North Run Team – thank you!
- To our 2023 London Marathon team – thank you!
- To our 2024 Machu Picchu team – thank you!
- Toca-5 gene therapy clinical trial fails
- Tocagen completes recruitment for a Phase 3 clinical trial for high-grade gliomas
- Tocagen’s ‘breakthrough’ gene therapy trial will continue
- Today Sarah Jones MP is to lead a debate on brain tumours in the House of Commons
- Today’s UK Brain Cancer summit at the Cabinet Office
- Tom Daley takes on The 2.6 Challenge!
- Tom Daley talks candidly about losing his Dad to a brain tumour
- Tom Daley to front our BBC Lifeline appeal
- Tom Daley’s Olympic poolside meet with our supporters
- Tom took on 20 walks this year, marking 20 years since his brain tumour diagnosis
- Top exam tips
- Top money-saving tips for families in the new year
- Top tips for carers
- Top tips for coping with change
- Top tips for eating well during treatment
- Top tips for managing the festive season
- Top tips for sharing your fundraising page
- Top tips for tackling isolation
- Top tips for travelling when you’re affected by a brain tumour
- Top tips from top fundraisers
- Top tips to care for your mental health
- Top tips to help with speech and communication difficulties
- Top-level brain tumour summit to follow Tessa Jowell’s call for change
- Trailblazing Manchester squash event begins
- Trailblazing Manchester squash event to raise funds and awareness
- Training in an exo-suit gears up for the London Marathon
- Travel addict not letting childhood brain tumour keep her on the ground.
- Travel insurance for children with a brain tumour
- Treating diffuse midline gliomas with an oncolytic virus
- Trial finds DCVax-L may prolong the lives of those living with a glioblastoma
- Tributes after Tasha loses brain tumour fight
- TV presenter joins ‘epic’ challenge to raise funds for our research
- TV presenter Sue Perkins reveals she is living with a brain tumour
- Twilight Own Walks 2025
- Two Charities; One Goal. We’ve Partnered with OSCAR’s!
- Two family charities fund £400,000 towards paediatric research in memory of their sons
- UCL Institute of Child Health looking for research lab volunteers
- UK firm and King’s College London behind new robot-assisted brain surgery
- UK Government announces plan to improve cancer diagnosis
- UK research into the use of cannabidiol to treat brain tumours
- UK-based scientists study trace metal elements to identify brain tumours
- Ulixertinib may change childhood brain tumour treatment
- Uncovering ways that glioblastomas resist treatment
- Underbelly launches The Big Brain Benefit
- Underbelly’s third Big Brain Tumour Benefit raises the roof at Edinburgh Fringe Festival
- Understanding the survival mechanism of gliomas
- Unique opportunity for surgery patients to help decode brain tumours
- United in the call for brain tumour one-year survival targets to be met
- Uniting our community at Westminster
- University fashion show raises £28,000
- University of Manchester launches application for The Brain Tumour Charity Chair of Neuro-Oncology
- Unmet needs of patients and carers across the brain tumour pathway
- Update from the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce
- Updates from the Society for Neuro-oncology conference
- US doctors test new glioblastoma drug treatment
- Using ACT to improve quality of life for young brain tumour survivors
- Using artificial intelligence to assess the treatment response of brain tumours
- Using CAR-T cell therapy to treat diffuse midline glioma
- Using robots to help find treatments for glioblastoma
- Using supercomputers to diagnose brain tumours
- UX Expert Volunteers Precious Time and Expertise
- Vicki Michelle MBE, our new High Profile Supporter
- Victory as team Ocean Valour reach the UK
- Volunteering at the Charity – Baljit’s story
- Volunteers’ Week celebrates our amazing volunteers!
- Volunteers’ week: The importance of our community’s voice
- Vorasidenib – a promising new drug to treat low-grade gliomas
- Vote for HeadSmart!
- Walton Centre in Liverpool given top ranking by health watchdog
- Washington Cancer Moonshot summit chaired by Vice President Biden
- Ways to help and cope when someone you love is diagnosed with a brain tumour
- We are co-funding Marie Curie’s call to address gaps in palliative and end of life care research
- We are hosting the biobanking workshop initiative in London today
- We are proud to announce the appointment of Professor Alan Palmer as our new trustee
- We are proud to announce the formation of our Scientific Advisory Boards
- We have awarded new Future Leaders
- We know mental health can affect those living with a brain tumour, but are we doing enough?
- We need faster brain tumour diagnosis – Lily’s story
- We respond to “promising” survival data from phase III trial of DCVax®-L
- We respond to national roll-out of fast-track cancer testing in England
- We respond to new NHS waiting times for suspected brain cancer
- We stand together with all our community in sadness at the news of Tom Parker’s death
- We’re doing it for Dale!
- We’re proudly supporting the new NICE “quality standard” for brain tumours
- We’re teaming up with Motormouth and Movember to raise funds for cancer and mental health
- We’ve appointed a new CEO
- Wearing an electronic cap to improve glioblastoma survival
- Welcoming the government’s pledge for increased funding for research into brain tumours
- Wellbeing App inspired by founder’s own brain tumour diagnosis gets healthcare approval
- Welsh government publishes second Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- What are a brain tumour’s early symptoms?
- What are virtual gifts and how do you use them?
- What Brexit means for research into brain tumours
- What could the Labour win mean for a National Brain Tumour Strategy?
- What could the pledges made at the Liberal Democrat conference mean for the brain tumour community?
- What do we know about brain tumour waiting times in 2023: six months in
- What is an adaptive clinical trial?
- What is the 10-Year Cancer Plan?
- What the new NHS drive to quicken diagnosis times means for us
- What the Plaid Cymru, SNP, Reform UK & Green Party Manifestos mean for the brain tumour community
- What The Twilight Walk means to our walkers
- What we like about the NHS Long Term Plan
- What would it take to close the care gap for brain tumours?
- What’s happened to the 10-Year Cancer Plan?
- What’s missing from the NHS England’s long term plan?
- What’s next for our No Brainer campaign?
- When work doesn’t work – tackling employment problems
- Where are the gaps in brain tumour care?
- Who made the Celebrating You 2023 shortlists?
- WHO releases updated Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System
- Whole genome sequencing – what is it and how could it help?
- Why are too many brain tumour patients robbed of a dignified death?
- Why can’t brain tumour patients try new treatments?
- Why children with brain tumours need to be heard
- Why Deliciously Ella’s Matt Mills is running the London Marathon
- Why getting involved in clinical research is important to me!
- Why I Support The Brain Tumour Charity from the U.S.A
- Why is a faster diagnosis for brain tumours so important for everyone?
- Why it’s important to get your affairs in order
- Why The Lewis Moody Mega-Tri is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done
- Why we are supporting the Brain Tumour Research Petition for more funding into research
- Why we need a National Brain Tumour Strategy: Simon and Ella’s story
- Why we need politicians to be part of our Brainy Bunch
- Why we’re campaigning for faster diagnosis
- Why we’re investing in new brain tumour fund
- Wickes announces The Brain Tumour Charity as new charity partner
- Wickes’ partnership one-year anniversary with The Brain Tumour Charity passes the £1,000,000 mark
- Widening the debate around treatment
- Wife praises CNS who provided ‘invaluable support’ following husband’s diagnosis.
- Will you help us speak with One Cancer Voice?
- Will’s Walk smashes fundraising target!
- Wishing Diving Duo Tom Daley and Noah Williams, Olympic Games success!
- Woman’s brain tumour diagnosis inspired her to become a neuro nurse
- Working with NHS England to improve access to Clinical Nurse Specialists
- World-leading expert appointed as The Brain Tumour Charity neuro-oncology chair at University of Manchester
- You could be one of these charity raffle winners!
- You could win Tom Daley knitted designs!
- You took strides to change lives – thank you!
- You took strides to change lives at The Twilight Walk – thank you!
- You’re invited to our APPG on brain tumours
- Young Ambassador hosts a memorial match for her dad
- Young Ambassador meets Caroline Lucas MP
- Young Ambassador Mel becomes Cheshire Woman of the Year
- Young girl’s epilepsy scan found a rare brain tumour
- Your coronavirus questions answered by experts
- Your radiotherapy questions answered
- Your rehabilitation questions answered by experts
- Your support was key to our Third Sector’s Charity of the Year 2018 award
- Your vote for innovation
- Zoe’s story